Chap 26

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The only thing Kit feel was the movement of the jumpy jeep. He doesn't know where these intruders are bringing him. The last thing Kit remembered before losing his full consciousness was the voice of someone saying 'MISSION ACCOMPLISH' on the phone.

What mission?

Who gives the orders here?

Where are they bringing him?

Do his friends realize that he is gone?

How long has he been out?

"I'm still not sure about this. Is it okay to follow Aiden's order when Satan said otherwise? I say, we sent this pretty boy to Satan and voluntarily surrender to him," said one of the intruders worriedly.

"Aided promised our safety. I hope that Aiden keeps his words. Moreover, Satan put us under Aiden. We are supposed to serve Aiden. Let's hope everything will be fine," replied the other.

"To be honest, I don't trust Aiden. He is like a psychopath," stated the first intruder.

"Let's not talk about this again. We are entering the bungalow now, and it's filled with CCTVs," replied the other.

When the jeep comes to a stop, Kit quickly closed his eyes and started to pretend. He felt hands carrying him upstairs. They tossed his body to a hard floor like it was a log.

Kit doesn't have any idea of what's happening around him. He once was kidnapped by Kongtamin's enemy by mistake. They assumed him as Phana. He was seven that time.

Don't fight back until the time is right, and stay low was the hard lesson he learned from that experience.

If only he know how many of them are here or which floor they put him on?

He doesn't even know why he still feels dizzy and weak?

The scent he smelled from the cloth was chloroform. But why do the effects are still active?

Did they mix other chemicals with it?

As he pondered about the possibilities of chemicals they might have used, he heard the intruders talk again.

"I don't know what's so special about this pretty boy? All of the Daichapanyas are going crazy for him," said one of them.

"Let's hope Aiden doesn't do anything inappropriate to this boy. He is still a kid. If Aiden breaks the rules, then nobody can save him nor us," replied the other as both of them walked out of the room.

Even though he wants to stay conscious but Kit couldn't stay awake anymore. The effect of the scent was still there. He slowly loses consciousness again.


Campus ground at 8 pm,

Ming has been walking back and forth since he returned to the hazing hall to inform the others. It's a planned kidnap by his beloved uncle as revenge.

Why can't that scoundrel leave him alone?

Isn't killing his P'San was not enough?

What does he want from him?

"Nong Ming, please calm down. We will find Nong Kit in no time," stated Pete to console him.

"What do you mean by stay calm, phi? and finding him in no time? Are you kidding me right now? It has been more than six hours since P'Kit Kat got kidnapped. How could I be patient here?" asked Ming sternly with an angry voice.

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