chap 4

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Happy Deepavali, my dear readers. I update today as a Deepavali gift. 😊✌

(Alright, guys, from this chapter, I might add POV for some scenes or almost all of them. My finals are over, and I finally get some free time to update. Thanks a lot for your supports so far. It means a lot to me.

So, start with the chapter)


Wayo's POV

I'm glad that my dad didn't force me to enroll in engineering together with Ming. I saw all the struggles they go through in sotus and their academic subjects every day. I would rather stay in an isolated highland than get myself involved in their sotus.

My science faculty is much peaceful than Ming's. Whenever I drop by to fetch Ming, there's always a group of seniors or juniors celebrating their victory in the fight against any random faculties or get themselves treated after being trashed. There was not once I saw the corridor blood-free.

They look barbarian to me. I would not say that I'm not used to it yet. But, it's not something new to me also. It's just that. I've always seen scenes like this in my entire life, in one way or another.

My class just ended. I said my goodbyes to my fairy gang and left the lecture room first. Oh, did I forget to mention my new friends? Guess I did.

Twin, Montry, Tim, and Sansuay. They are my new buddies. They call themselves Fairy Gang, which was quite ridiculous for me at first. But, they named it that way because they wanted to protect all the cute and good boys, like how fairies protect the adorable and good kids. So I just decided not to meddle with the name and become friends with them. It's just a name anyway.

I drove my car towards the engineering. Ming must be waiting for me.

Hoofs, who am I kidding here? Ming's sotus activity never ends early. Maybe I have to wait for him till nine just like usual.

I parked my car right in front of the faculty and got out of it.

When I thought that the day is too ordinary and nothing could waver me, I saw a perfect god's creation in front of me, which made me feel lucky to encounter the handsome stranger.

There I saw him, such eye candy, sight sweetie what else should I call him?

'GOSH!!!! How come a man looks so hot?'

I saw that new man getting something out of his car and run back into the faculty together with his short friend. It seems like another fight broke today.

(You're short as well, Wayo.)

As I walked into the faculty, I noticed that nothing is out of the ordinary. But I couldn't find Ming or the other boys. I scanned through the freshmen and found Nate chatting with other fellows.

"Nate, where's Ming? Why are you all alone here?" I questioned her.

"Yo, when did you come? And boys went to grab something to eat by the food stall. But they're running late, though. Want to wait for them here?" she asked.

"Nah, I'll just look around then," I said and started to look for them.

For some odd reason, I feel like something's not right. It's a gut feeling. Just as I was about to reach the food stall, I saw P'Forth chasing after someone.

I have never seen this new guy before. Why am I looking at new people a lot today?

Then I followed the direction P'Forth left and found a group of boys treated by the hot man I saw a moment ago.

Wow, I already saw the same man twice today, and that also in less than half an hour. I guess my guardian angels are showing this masterpiece in front of me for a purpose. If I meet him one more time, then I'll consider him as my destiny.

"Ahh,...phi, it hurts. Be gentle na," a loud whiny voice heard from the group of boys.

I know that voice. I was about to leave that place, cause I don't want any trouble. But that voice sure stopped me. It was June's whining voice. Then I saw the two other boys I've been looking for beside him, with a bruised face as well.

"What happened here?!" I'm sure that my voice is loud.

"Yo, when did you come?" asked June, changing the topic.

"That's not the answer to my question, Dumbo. What happened here?" I asked again in my cold tone.

"It was just a misunderstanding. It's not our fault too,"

June was trying to explain everything to me, but that's not what I want. I stare at Ming in the eyes, but that jerk was not lifting his head to meet mine.

"Nong, I think you broke your metacarpals. You should check and do an x-ray," advised the short guy I saw earlier with my masterpiece.

He was saying something to Ming. But, he didn't move nor, does he made any whine like June and Thada while being treated. His knuckles had slightly dried blood, and it doesn't look good.

"Ming, look at me," he clenches his fist into a tight ball while still looking down at his lap.

I took the wet wipes from that short guy's hand and pulled Ming's injured hand to treat it myself.

My voice sure was cold, and my action was rough, but who cares. I'm mad at Ming.

His hand started to become more tensed when I took control. I need to keep my cool. I can't scold him or shout at him for fighting against my words. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Ming look at me, na," this time, I didn't sound as cold as I was before.

He slowly turned and lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were teary, and his breath doesn't seem normal to me.

"I did it again, Yo. I couldn't stop it," he said it so slowly, which made it comes out more like a whisper.

'GOD!!! I hate to see him like this.

I just hugged him tightly, and he relaxed a bit.

"Guys were leaving first. I'll catch up with this mess later. Inform your head hazer that he can't make it till night today," after saying that, I just pulled Ming out of there with me.

I didn't care to turn back and take a look at their reaction or the mess they've created together. It could wait.

My best friend needs time and rest now, more than this so-called sotus.


End of Chap 4.



Alright, guys, I've updated again.

Keep supporting me until I finish this fanfic, guys.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you guys.


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