chap 7

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Hye cupcakes, thanks for the suggestions you gave. It was helpful, and I'm grateful for that. I decided to spare that uncle for now. Maybe as some of you said, he might help me in future plots. Enjoy the update.

Love you guys.


Ming's POV

"P'San....... No! P'San Don't! P'SAN!!!!," I wake from the same old nightmare again.

It was raining cats and dogs outside. Maybe the weather caused the nightmares. Rain sounds romantic and lovely, but for me, rain is scary. The thunderstorm with thunder is the worst.

'Nightmares should come in a variety of ways.

Why do you haunt me with the same memories? Is this the punishment you're giving me for my mistake? I miss you so much, P.'

P'San, my one, and only elder sister. My second mother, the person I loved the most in my family. My family, well it consists of my dad, my mom, P'San, and me. We were a happy family. My mom was a caring person, but she's a workaholic. She works as an interior designer. I never knew what's my dad's occupation was in my childhood.

Weekends are family days. I start my day by seeing my mom's face and end my day with her bedtime stories. P'San always teases me by calling me a mama boy. Dad adores P'San more than me. Dads have a soft spot for their daughters. I never worry about that, though. I had mom all for myself.

Every weekend, we will visit our lake house and will spend the whole day there. P'San and I will play cards with dad or go for a swim at the lake while mom will make her signature lasagne. If it rains on that day, we will have our campfire inside the house. Dad will light up the chimney, and mom will make hot chocolate for us. We will talk and stay inside.

Our life was so happy.

At least until both our parents decided to part away.

The court decides that the kids should be with their dad. Isn't that should be the opposite? And my mom didn't fight for us too. She just left us with her last words.

"Honey, mom will be back when I could provide you both with everything you need without the worry for the money." Those were her last words before she left us.

She doesn't have any idea that all we wanted was her love for us. I didn't saw her after that, until a few months back.

At least I was hoping to be with dad. That's what I got wrong. Dad left our uncle in charge and busied himself with work.

When mom left, P'San becomes my second mother. She was always there for me. She was there when I cried myself missing my mother. She was there when I won my first basketball match. She was there when uncle become an annoying jerk. She always protects me from his stupid method of parenting. I miss her.

Our uncle is a complete example of a jerk. He never cared for us. He is my dad's younger brother. He loves to spend money in the casino and fight with his employees. Our bodyguards will have a one-to-one match with him all the time only to get bashed. Cause he will cheat, and he won't follow the rules. I wonder why the bodyguards don't hit him back during childhood and got the answer when I turned 13.

That was the first time I ever had to fight against him. I followed every Muay Thai rule I learned and fought him. He is the jerk who didn't, and that cost me my arms in a cast for two months. He was like a wild dog.

I was scared for him at that time. Then he continued that routine. More like abuse for years, and my dad had no idea. Maybe being kicked and hit by belts for years made me numb for pain, and I slowly get used to his pattern of punishments. Sometimes I wish for my mom to return and bring us back with her. Well, She didn't.

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