"Its a pleasure" Mrs. Klinger said to me, "You are very talented. What year are you?" She asked.

"Currently a 5th year Mrs. Klinger. I am a transfer from Beauxbatons where I was taking advanced placement classes and would've been moved up a year." I said bragging about my intelligence. Trying to stay away from my "troubled" past as Dumbledore called it.

"Why did you move? You are very talented for your age" She said. The whole team was behind me at this point.

"I had some issues with the professors and my peers but as of now, it is all in the past and I am a new student." I said hoping she would take the bait of me changing my ways. Fred and George stifled their laughter from behind me knowing this was a complete lie. McGonagall introduced us all and we headed off towards the castle.

"Ms. Dupont would you join Mrs. Klinger and I in my study?" McGonagall called from behind the twins and I.

"Of course Professor" I said and followed closely behind them.

"Now your professor has informed me of your past and present and I would like to make a small deal with you. No strings attached." Klinger said. "If you can stay out of trouble and finish your next 2 years with good grades, very little trouble, and keep your quidditch skills at an above average level." She said with a stern look on her face. She had an exciting tone of voice but the facial expressions didn't match what so ever.

 "If you can do that, then we would be honored to offer you a spot. Although, if you dont change your rebellious ways, the deal will be off. No spot on the team, No try out, No scouting. We do like our players to have a rebellious side but not when it interferes with relationships and schooling. Understood?" Klinger said.

My heart was beating out of my chest. Did I really just get offered a spot on the cannons?

"Oh and one other thing. You can not tell anyone you were offered a spot. No one." Klinger said and walked out of the room. I sat in McGonagall's chair for a second processing what I just heard.

 "What am I going to do? My grades are awful in half of my classes. Well mostly all except for potions." I asked seeking guidance.

"I will help with transfiguration. For your other courses might I suggest more time in the library and less time with the twins."

I laughed as McGonagall said this, "Wait your serious? You dont suggest I stop being friends with them" I asked with a distraught look on my face.

"I know it is sad but if you want this position it is what is necessary." She said. I nodded and left her office. I went to talk to all my other teaches except for Snape. They all were very happy for me and offered extra help and books to help me. I wrote down all the times for studying with my professors and the books to pick up.


Quidditch- 7:00-9:00

Transfiguration- 4:30-5:30

Charms- 5:30-6:30


Quidditch- 7:00-9:00

Herbology- 5-6


Divination- 4:00-5:00

DADA- 5:30-6:30

Astronomy- 6:30-8:00

My schedule was booked minute to minute. All day, every day, all week, every week. We had a week until exams and our last game in 2 weeks. We had quidditch practice every day mixed with my intense studying left me with barely enough time to eat. I was so tired I always fell asleep right after my last study session. Fred and George kept trying to talk to me, I would always ignore them though. They would yell at me from the edge of the corridor and run over to me. They got my attention once and stopped me to talk.

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