41. I'll Find You

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Michael's POV:

Bright white lights beamed down to my eyes. I squinted at the ceiling realizing I was laying down on my back. There was an excruciating pain from my head and entire body. I parted my lips to speak but my words were dry. The constant sound of beeping rang in my ears, causing my head to ache even more. I then flinched up from the bed I was laying on, I took a second to look at my surroundings, slightly dazed and disoriented. I'm in a hospital? I thought to myself confusingly.

I don't remember how and what led me to come here. Matter of fact, my memory of the last couple of hours were blank. I remember blacking out one moment and then somehow I'm here, laying on a hospital bed, staring at the high ceiling. I noticed I was also stripped out of my clothes and placed in a hospital gown. Various of wires tubes were connected to my chest, side, and arm. The heart monitor beeped in sync with the movement of my chest. There wasn't anyone in the room with me, I was alone with the tv running silently in the background and the door was locked too.

"Hello?!" I called out hoping someone could hear me behind the door. I tried removing myself from the bed but my left hand was immediately pulled back. I furrowed my brows and looked down to see what was stopping me from moving forward. It was handcuffs. The metal cuffs were strapped around my wrist and attached to the railing of the medical bed. I became even more confused. Why am I strapped to a bed? I pulled harder on the handcuffs but then a sharp pain hit my side when I turned my body around. I noticed my entire stomach was wrapped around with bandages, along with my right leg. Fuck. That's when it all came back to me. The sequence of events that took place at the house flooded my head all at once.

I got shot. I remember being at the house calling for help and then I got shot right in the stomach by that officer who was with Veronica. The last person I would've expected to set me up and work with her. That's when I blacked out. I also remember trying to save Sierra. The last moment I saw her she was unconscious bleeding to death because of the trap Veronica set up. I called the police for help but I don't even know if she fully understood what I was trying to explain to her. A wave of panic then hit me, I have no clue if Sierra made it out okay or not.

"Hey! Get me out of here!" I yelled again, tugging at the handcuffs.

A nurse came in shortly after, holding a clipboard and a small paper cup. "How are you Michael?" She greeted me with a welcoming smile once she made her way inside.

"I'm fine...." I hesitantly said and watched her walk over to me.

"Here take this," she motioned the paper cup in front of me but I didn't dare to reach for it. I just looked up at her giving her a puzzled look.

"What happened to me?" I asked her, hoping someone would give me a clear explanation on how I'm still alive and where Sierra is. "Is my wife okay? I need to see my wife!" I demanded.

She paused for a moment, "Michael you were admitted to the hospital after having multiple gun shot wounds and stabs. The police found you laying in the middle of your bedroom floor nearly bleeding to death. I'm not sure what happened but—"

"I'll tell you what happened, I got shot by an officer named Lance. They were trying to kill me!" I blurted out.

She looked at me worryingly, "They?" She repeated as if something foreign came out of my mouth. "Maybe it would be best if you lay your head back and drink this, you're still recovering and slightly disoriented," she responded completely dismissing my statement.

"No!" I pushed her hand away. "I wanna see my wife. Where's Sierra? She was in the house with me. Please just tell me she's alive," I pleaded.

"I'm sorry..." she started with her next response. "You were the only one that was admitted to this hospital, there wasn't any records of a spouse or any other family member," she explained, while trying to get me to lay my head down.

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