29. Impulsive Liar

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The following morning, I woke up with a mission and an eager plan to place out the fire that was burning what little I had left in life. I remembered the officer from the station leaving me a voicemail last night and how urgent he wanted to speak to me about Veronica. Now that I might actually have someone else who believes the truth I've been spilling about Veronica, I needed all the help I could get to take her down.

I woke up early to rush down at the station. I didn't even bother to take the time to fix up a shower or pick out well put together clothing. In fact, I no longer had the motivation to fix myself up. My feelings from last night are still bottled up and I'm forcing myself to not breakdown every 5 minutes because that's all I've been doing alone. I haven't slept at all, rather than drowning in my forsaken thoughts. It's hard to completely forget what happened, I can't help but think of Sierra and my daughter. I haven't spoken to them after they left because she hasn't called. I didn't even bother to go back home because everything would remind me of what I lost and let's face it, I can't even consider it a home if I'm going to be completely alone in it. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. Before she entered the picture.

I finally arrived to the station. I hoped out the car to quickly make my way inside the door. "Hi, I have an appointment here with one of the officers, it's very important." I said to the receptionist before I had the chance to great her. It was a different young woman than the usual one I saw from my previous visits.

She examined me from top to bottom with a concerned look, she's probably appalled by my sloppy appearance but I didn't really care. "His office is down the hallway, he's expecting you." She pointed down the hall. I thanked her before making my way there.

The door was already slightly open, I knocked making sure someone was in there. "Please come in, and lock the door behind you," I heard his voice say. I did as I was told. I shut the door and took a seat across from his desk. His chair was turned around in the other direction. "Let me start off by apologizing." He turned the chair swiftly, giving me a wide grin. "I was wrong. You on the other hand, have clear intuitions, which made me figure something about that I never knew was there." He took off his glasses which exposed the huge dark circles underneath his eyes. He folded his hands. "I've been thinking a lot Michael and something doesn't sit right with me, and I think the root of the situation I'm investigating revolves around that young lady you've been talking about."

"That's literally what I've been telling you this whole time you were blocking me out," I responded. "But of course when it benefits your line of police work, everything makes sense all of the sudden."

"I'm sure you remember me telling you about the several disappearances that's been occurring for the past weeks now and how one of our partners was a victim as well," he continued to talk and ignored my passive aggressiveness. "Well we went down to investigate the area where his car was last seen. It was at some vacant forest, just a mile from the county. He stopped to write a ticket for a vehicle, and once he punched in the ticket and dispatched it back to his base, there wasn't another word heard from him again. The vehicle he wrote the ticket for was the same vehicle we found that had Veronica's brother name registered under. However, he couldn't have been the one driving the car. We've just received a footage of him at a bar in downtown that same day. If he was at the bar there is no way he could've killed that male officer."

"So you think it's her." I said, trying to process everything.

"As of right now, yes. I found the one thing, I believe that could make her a suspect in this case....a blond wig. The car was burnt after the murder attempt, we also found out there was a second body as well. It's hard to identify who the blonde wig belonged to though, our team of forensic people are examining for any DNA evidence." He informed. "Michael I called you last night to tell you in person how serious this case really is. So far almost 13 people have gone missing in a span of a month. 4 has been found dead in a span of two weeks." His facial expression dropped to a worried look.

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