Part 2: Smooth Sailing

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4 weeks later.....

Laughter exploded in the air as everyone seemed drunk. "No you should've seen the sweat that was dripping on my face, I nearly passed out." I said rambling on with a story I've probably told a hundred times now. "God I never knew how hard was it to watch a baby delivery but that was the hardest thing to deal with."

"Try be the one who has to push it out," Sierra joked, crawling up closer against me on the couch. All of our close friends were seated in the living room with the fireplace lit up. It was a small get together, something that would give us a break from all the parenting. It was nights like this that I treasured the most, drinking, laughing about unnecessary things and enjoying ourselves with the people we love. It's been 4 weeks since we've been bothered with any harassment and it's such a relief to say that she finally walked out of our lives. Two weeks after the last encounter we had with her, Sierra went into labor. It happened in the middle of the night, just when I arrive home from a late shift from work so you can imagine how difficult everything was at the time. We rushed into the hospital and under 12 hours of delivery. We were both restless as ever, and Sierra had the worst pain contractions the doctors have ever seen. I was worried at first that everything wouldn't turn out the way we wanted but god bless, we had the opportunity to see our baby girl healthy.

We named her Starr. The name stuck with Sierra the first time it was mentioned.

I felt more grateful to be able to reach this level of my life. I know I might have had my doubts about this whole parenting thing but it's just something about seeing and touching your baby for the first time that truly changes your perception about life. We've created a person so fragile and innocent and it was our jobs to protect and cherish them. I'm grateful Sierra gave me another chance to improve on myself and be there for her completely.

"It must be a hassle having to wake up in the middle of the night with the cries, Lin and I barely survived," Luis said, holding his third beer close to his mouth.

"Don't even remind us, I'm just happy we're getting a break for the night," Sierra responded. "Alright should we get started on the food or the movie?"

"I'll get the food ready and you can run the movie babe," I told her, already jumping up from the couch to do so. Luis insisted of going with me to help out. The girls were then left in the living room and they immediately proceeded their profound usual gossip.

We entered the kitchen where the food was already wrapped up and placed on the counter top. Luis stumbled around the place trying to keep his balance. "Don't you think you had enough?" I laughed taking the beer out of his hand dropping it into the trash can.

"It's great night, what are a few beers going to do?" He slurred his words.

"Have you throw up in my kitchen floor," I joked.

"Hey," he patted my back trying to catch my brief attention. "This was great of you. We haven't done these small get togethers in a while and I'm glad you did."

"Yeah now that everything's smooth sailing for Sierra and I, we just wanted to enjoy our time together more than ever."

"I'm guessing you have that situation cleared up then," he mentioned. At first I was confused about what he meant by it but he was probably talking about the whole thing with Veronica.

I chuckled a little, "That has been resolved a while now. Everything is back to normal."

"Yeah?" He smiled for a second. "She's completely out of the picture?"

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