18. I Know What You Did

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I stared down at the white envelope decorated with gold fonts and sighed heavily. Sierra was already in the room picking out her best gowns from the closet. I looked at the tux that was laid out on the bed specially for me to wear. It had a maroon blazer with a matching tie, I laughed at how expensive the tux looked and the fact it wasn't my type of preference or taste whatsoever. The tux was nothing but a taunt at me from Sierra's father. Every time he goes out of his way to remind me or gives me things he knows I could never afford or provide for myself. He's the type of guy to remind you of his high social class over and over again, simply because he's arrogant and he hates the fact that I'm not. He makes it obvious that I'm not apart of his good side and because I'm married to his daughter, he hates me with every fiber in his being.

Now I'm being invited to his engagement dinner, surprisingly he's actually found someone to marry...again. This is probably the fourth time he's been remarried and I'm more shocked there's women out there who are willing to spend the rest of their life with Lucifer himself. Yet again, I get why he's gone through so much divorces, who would want to spend the rest of their life with him.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the envelope on the nightstand as I joined Sierra in the bedroom. I knew I wouldn't even be on the invite list if it wasn't for Sierra and unfortunately this is one of those things I couldn't escape from. I can't decline because I didn't have a choice and secondly all these years I've pretended to like Sierra's dad and kiss up to him for her sake. It's been 8 years since the last time I've seen his face and I'm not thrilled about reuniting with him at all.

"Remind me why I have to go again?" I said to Sierra. She placed her hair up effortlessly and pinning it up carefully into a bun.

"Because you were invited and my father would be happy to see you again." She responded. I scoffed at the happy part. Happy is the last thing he'll be feeling when he sees me again.

"Happy? More like miserable. He only invited me because of you."

"That's not true Michael. He might not express it but he doesn't hate you." She looked back at me.

"He doesn't like me either," I mumbled. "He probably wants me there to humiliate me or rub his wealth in my face."

Sierra crosses her arms and glared at me. I could tell she hated when I talked about her own father badly in front of her. She's always been his favorite and she's grown out of hearing me talk shit about him over the past years.

"Sorry," I apologized. She handed me the tux and ordered me to get ready. I sighed knowing I couldn't fight it off anymore.

She slipped into a maroon gown that draped down to her feet and hugged her bump tightly in the right way. I saw her struggling to reach her back zipper and placed it upon myself to help her with it. "I got it." I said while zipping her up slowly. It still surprised me how she could fit into her old clothing so easily despite her pregnancy. Even with the bump she can still rock every outfit she puts on and not to mention look effortlessly beautiful in.

"God, you're so gorgeous." I said turning her slowly and wrapping my arms around her. I placed a kiss on her forehead then her lips. She smiled at the corner of her mouth while cupping my cheeks.

"You're wasting time, go get ready." She said kissing me once more.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the tux from the bed and proceeded to the bathroom. "I have to take a shower first," I told her.

"One more thing.." she said before I got the chance to close the door. "Please don't start anything tonight. I know it's been a while since you've seen him and I know he isn't the nicest guy but just be polite for my sake. Tonight is important." She said in a worried tone. I just nodded my head in response and closed the door behind me.

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