33. Heavy Evidence

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Veronica's POV:

It was pitch black dark and the lot of the store was empty. The only cars that's parked is mine and the cashier guy locking up the store inside. Coincidentally, it's the same guy that I've met the day I bought my supplies. What I didn't understand was why Home Depot feels the need to stay open this late at night. Usually, most of their stores closes at 8 p.m. tops, it would've been a much easier process if I got the security tape around this time. The store would've been empty, no one would've saw me, I would've took my time disassembling the camera, erase some footage and get out. Unfortunately, I had to sit here for another two hours till they close their stupid store and I guess one person fit the job perfectly of making sure the store was secured and lock.

If he walks out of the store, the chances of him seeing my car is a close call and I can't take that risk of having an eye witness. I have no choice but to handle it the difficult way. He already has the keys and knows the locks so why not have him do the job for me instead of tiring myself out.

I opened the glove compartment and retrieved the gun I've placed in there when leaving the house. I grabbed my shades along the way and a handkerchief incase things got messy. "Alright, lets make this quick and easy," I encouraged myself in the rearview mirror before I prepared myself for the next step.

I looked out the window once more, he was finally out the store. He stood there jamming the keys into the store's door. I could hear him whispering a tune, then I noticed the earphones that were dangling from his ears to his pockets. I got out the car minutes later and slammed it shut. I held the gun firmly and put the safety lock off. I brought it up closer so it was visible enough. I slowly held it up high, aiming it directly at his back. He was taking his sweet time locking the door to even notice I'm right behind him. It was weird how he couldn't even hear or feel my presence, made me wonder exactly how loud his music is. A part of me was eager to shoot and get the job done right then and there. He had his back against me anyways, he wouldn't have saw me coming.

"Jesus Christ!" A loud shriek came from him once he turned around. About time.

"Take off your earphones and place your hands in the air where I can see them," I instructed him.

"I-I-I didn't do anything!" He cried out, already shaking in fear. His hand trembled as he quickly took out his earphones and shoved it inside his pockets.

"Hands up," I instructed him again. "I need to see your hands. If you don't comply with what I'm telling you I'm going to kill you. Do you want to die?"

He quickly shook his head no, "Please don't."

"Then place your hands up."

He slowly placed his hands in the air. "I'm sure you remember my face," I said smiling at him. "I need something very important in that store and I can't get it without you"

"Please this is my first time doing a closing shift, whatever you need you can go right in and—" he kept on panicking and shaking in his spot.

"No! I need you to help me get it. If you want to stay alive, just listen to what I have to say that's all. Now open the store."

He grabbed the keys out of his pockets again and opened the store like I asked. I pushed the gun against his back making sure he wouldn't pull any stupid movies. I told him to walk straight to where the store kept most of its security footages. Once he led the direction, we entered the employees only station at the back of the store. He punched in the code that was required to open the door, I told him to quickly move and start looking for the footage from the same day I came into the store to make a purchase. He kept on rambling about how he barely knew how to operate the security cameras let alone get a physical copy of the footage, but something told me he was lying simply to get out of this situation.

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