12. Power

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Veronica's POV:

I'm sorry the subscriber you are trying to reach isn't accepting calls at this time." The message played over and over again until anger sparked every inch of my body. I stared at the phone and then at the reflection in the mirror. I looked pathetic. He makes me look pathetic. Mascara ran down my cheeks along with my tears. What have you done Michael....

I've devoted my time and energy to you and I'm starting to think it's all for what? I thought we had something for a moment. That night was a special night to me. I felt loved. I felt worthy and I felt important to someone. I felt connected to you Michael. Even though it was an action that was going against both of our morals we've took that risk together. It was our decision that's what made it special.

Then you took that something special and turned it into such a horrendous thing. You turned it against me, and labeled it a mistake. I wasn't at fault here. You agreed to the idea and you've done exactly what your inner self told you to do. How pathetic of you to use alcohol as an excuse. It's quite funny because it's nearly what every other guy says when they realize the bullshit they committed. I tried my hardest to believe you weren't like any other guy. And I still do. But I'm afraid you've hurt me to the extent where I have to take matters into my own hands.

I don't care what you've said to me the other day. I know you like me, you have to like me.

"You've been here for hours." I heard a knock on the door. I turned around to see the person I would least like to talk to right now. He's probably here to gloat in my face or feed me with a whole bunch of I've told you so's.

"What do you want Andy..." I said without turning around.

"There someone at the door for you." He responded. My head snapped around, and I felt some kind of relief. Maybe he's returned for me. He probably came back to apologize about what he's said to me. I had a feeling about this. I quickly wiped my face with the towel hanging onto the door. I pushed Andy out the way and found myself bolting down the steps, the biggest excitement overcame me.

"I knew you'd come ba-" I stopped when I was face to face with two police officers. My excitement quickly went out the door. Never thought I'd have to experience this again.

I collected myself and put on a smile. "Hello officers, what can I do for you today?"

"Are you Veronica?" One of them said with a yellow sheet of paper in his hand.

"Yes I am? I'm sorry is there something wrong?"

"We've recently got a complaint letter and several phone calls in regards to a report of harassment and disturbance." He explained. "Could we please come in this might take a while."

I fought the urge to slam the door in their faces as hard as I could. But in that moment I had a different alternative in mind. "You're more than welcome to."

Michael's POV:

"What about Jamie.." I said going down the list of names I've prepared. Tonight was a special night. We are only a few weeks down till our little girl pops out. It felt like eternity waiting for these 9 months to end and to think we're just a step away from the due date is crazy. I still can't wrap my head around how we escalated this far in life. It's not primarily where I saw myself to be but I knew it happened for a reason. I know God is aligning things for me the right way.

"Jamie sounds too basic. What about Isabel?" She said looking down her notepad. I stared at her with the most ridiculous look. Isabel? And she has the nerve to make fun of my name choice?

Murder She WroteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora