20. I Spy

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Sierra's POV:

He's been gone for 15 minutes now and I was starting to worry. Who excuses themselves to the bathroom this long? It should take an average person under 30 minutes to come in and out of the bathroom. There was something unusual about him tonight, I mean he's been acting like this for the past couple of days but tonight is strange.

He's been so secretive with me lately that I'm starting to think there's something he's done that he won't tell me about or he's holding back something and won't talk about it. It's out of his character to hold anything back. He usually likes to communicate with me about his problems and we always talk through things that's bothering us without having to worry about judgement from each other but he's starting to hide that side of him more and more from me as the days go by. I hope I'm not the reason for him shutting down or this whole pregnancy thing isn't getting into his head.

I tapped my fingers on the table while looking down at my empty plate that I've finished ten minutes ago and looked at at his plate that was still waiting for him. I could feel my fathers gaze at me from the distance. It angered me that he's probably assuming the worst about Michael right now, as if he hasn't been doing that since we entered this place. I wish he would sometimes just give him a break and stop blaming everything from the past on him. Yes, Michael may have effected some parts of our life in a way I didn't expect him to but I've made my own decisions in regards to sacrificing a few things in order to have the life we have now together and some of those sacrifices included leaving those that weren't happy with our decision and disapproved our love for each other. I'm fully aware how angry my father is with me, probably more angry at me than Michael, but I know one thing, he'll feel even worse if he took his anger out on his own daughter, even he knows that.

I sighed and stared at the bathroom door again. Finally, I saw Michael walk out from the bathroom. I sighed in relief. He had an unpleasant look on his face. He looked furious and he had something clutched tightly on his hand.

"What took you so long?" I said as he got closer to me.

"We need to leave...now" he said sternly. I was confused at how angry he looked right now. Something definitely happened in that bathroom.

From the corner of my eye, from a far distance, I spotted another guy coming out the bathroom that had his eyes pinned directly at us. I couldn't make clear of his face but his appearance and gestures gave me a bad vibe.

"Who is that?" I said, narrowing my eyes on him as he walked toward the exit.

"It's no one. Sierra I really want to leave I don't want to be here." Michael said not bothering to look behind him.

"But you just ordered and we just came to the place-"

"Sierra please!" He raised his voice which caused a few heads to turn. The change in his emotion had all red flags around it. I didn't know what was wrong with him but it was scaring me a little.

"Okay.." I found myself saying. "We'll leave...I just need to say goodbye to my father before I do." I got up from my seat but before I could walk off I was pulled back with a strong and swift grip.

"You can call him and apologize later. Let's go." He said demandingly. Before I knew it, we were walking towards the entrance at a fast pace. I met eyes with my father along the way, he looked at me then looked at the way Michael held my arm. I shook my head signaling him not to interfere or stop us. He stood at his place with a look of disappointment.

I was dragged out of the venue by Michael. There was total silence. He called for one of the valet parkers to assist him. One gentleman came at his service quickly and handed Michael the keys to our car.

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