40. Murder She Wrote

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Sierra's POV:

"We need to get you to the hospital," I said to him. He stumbled inside the house, barely able to walk with his right leg. He held onto the bleeding area firmly. He got himself to the couch and laid there, groaning at the excruciating pain he was feeling. "Did you go over there to harm her?" I asked even though I knew it wasn't the time to do so.

"Get me the first aid kit in the bathroom, it's in one of the cabinets," he responded, ignoring my question.

"You can't get that bullet out by yourself Michael."

"Can you please just help me out..the pain is growing and I'm losing a lot of blood." He pressed his hand further into the wound. I've realized that he was placing too much pressure on it which would eventually increase the pain. I took off the shirt I was wearing, leaving me in my tank top.

"Here.." I pushed his hand away, and tied my shirt around his leg, to hold the bleeding. I ran to the bathroom across the hall and frantically looked for the first aid kit in the cabinets. I ended up finding the box after throwing everything on the floor and making a huge mess. I ran back into the living room.

His eyes were shut and he continued to wincing loudly. I took a hold of his leg and he immediately stopped me. "I don't want you to do this," he said. I shot him a look, after hearing what he said. He's obviously too disoriented to do anything. He could barely keep his eyes open, pressuring himself to remove a bullet that he has no idea how to do is just going to make it worse. If anything I would be a better option of taking the bullet out.

"I'm doing this.." I responded. "If you're not going to a hospital then let me figure it out, you just got shot for gods sake. You can't play a doctor under this condition."

I unwrapped the shirt from his leg and exposed the wound. It looked worse. The blood flow was heavier but I could see the bullet clearly. I took a deep breath before I opened the first aid kit. I don't know the specific tools that's needed for a situation like this but I have cleaned up many scars and scabs along the way, even though this was far beyond different from a gun wound.

"It's my fault. I should've never dragged you into anything. I'm so sorry for everything I have caused to you Sierra," Michael spoke with a shaky voice. I looked up to see tears forming from his eyes. "If we don't make it-"

"Nothing is going to happen to you.." I stopped him before he could finish his sentence. "Hey look at me.." I placed my hand on his face and caressed it gently. "Nothing is going to happen to us, okay?" I said. I could tell he was scared and I was too. We both know what Veronica's intentions are at this point. She's coming to get one job done and she's not stopping at nothing. Our only choice now is to either hide somewhere safe or go after her much harder than she's going to come after us.

"We need to get Starr, I don't think we're safe here." He said. He moved to get up but I sat him right back down.

"First let me worry about this," I said, implying to the problem with his leg. I felt nauseated at the sight of the blood. I kept my composure and proceeded to grab a Medline bandage, tweezers, distilled water, alcohol and safety pins. Those combinations somewhat looked accurate. Okay Sierra, you can do this. "This is going to hurt a little," I warned him. First I had to dig the tweezers into his skin to retrieve the bullet. This is probably the most agonizing step, I'm praying I don't end up passing out before he gets the chance to.

I took a hold of the tweezers and started to dig through the blood and flesh. He groaned at first but squeezed the sofa for support. I could hear him breathing heavily, I continued to dig deeper, until the tweezers itself touched the metal bullet. "Fuck," he continued to groan.

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