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That next morning, Gemini was dismayed to know that she had to don her battle suit again. She wondered if Hecate was going to element train them every day until they understood. It would benefit them, yes, but it would bore Gemini before any progress would be made.

Quickly changing, she yawned and teleported to the kitchen. Sag, Aquarius, and Leo were already there, talking and discussing their powers. Aquarius, his battle suit on and his hair pulled back into a low ponytail, told Leo, "It's not the easiest to control, but I can manage." His eyes landed on Gem when he said, "Good morning, Gemini! Did you rest well?"

"Y-yeah!" Gem mentally punched herself for stuttering. She heard Aqua's mental laugh and couldn't stop her cheeks from feeling warm. "You?"

"I got enough rest." He shrugged his small shoulders. "I was just telling Leo about how our minds work. I don't even know the full extent of our limits, but I'm sure Hecate can show us."

"That's so cool!" Sag said. She sat on the counter and Leo leaned next to her. Gem was really fond of her red eyes. "I wish I could read minds. Sounds fun!"

Gemini had to admit. Being psychic had its perks. She could read minds, teleport, use telekinesis, and probably more. The possibilities started to swarm in, and Aqua gladly merged his mind with hers, sharing a quick mental discussion.

"I wouldn't like it," Leo idly commented. "People need their privacy, you know?" Gem liked his new eyes too, and his overall feline demeanor.

"That's understandable." Aqua agreed. Even as he talked to others, his mental exchange with Gem never faltered. There's so much control... "We aren't easy to trust anymore, I get that. But, we're all on the same side. Your life is just as important as mine, and I'm going to do what I can to protect us all."

Gem agreed, wanting to try concentrating on their conversations while talking. "...yeah!" Shit. She heard Aqua's amusement as she said, "We're still your friends, Leo. That'll never change-"

The doorbell ringing interrupted her. We have a doorbell? Gem thought.

Apparently so. Aqua answered. "Who's at the door?" Leo asked, his black, furry ear flicking.

"Let's go see!" Sag said. In a instant, she zipped to the front of the house, nearly running into a groggy Taurus. Gem and Aqua teleported to her, and Leo was at the door last.

With an exaggerated gesture, Sag opened to reveal the door to Philander Xenakis. He was a splitting image of his son, with his messy hair and bright brown eyes. With the backpack and baggy clothes, he looked closer to a homeless traveler. His mind, to Gem's surprise, was hidden behind a strong, mental wall.

"Dad!" Aqua exclaimed and hugged his father. Sag and Leo were instantly excited to see Mr. Phil too. "How... did you find this place? How did you know I was even here?"

Mr. Phil chuckled and hugged him back. "Always so many questions," He breathed, letting himself inside. "I'm here to help Hecate, and it was pretty easy to find you guys. The 12 of you are all together, so Mythical energy is through the roof."

"What...?" Sag asked, floating up. "Mythical energy? What the hell is that?"

"You'll learn soon enough." Phil simply said. "Any of you know where Hecate is?"

"Outside." Leo said. "How do you know-"

"That she's a goddess and not just some fortune teller?" Phil raised an eyebrow. Leo's jaw dropped. "There's a lot that I know. And everyone's questions will be answered soon. Come on, I think it's time for your training to start."

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