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Why is it so dark? It's been dark for a while... I hope everyone's okay. They're probably bored as fuck without me, I'm bored without them.

I miss Leo and Sag... God, it's so dark. And cold. I hate being cold, makes my skin dry.

Sag... She better be okay. I swear if anyone put a hand on her I'll kill them, bring them back to life and kill them again. Especially Scorpio... he better stay the fuck away from my girl... even if she isn't technically mine... it's the thought that counts, right?

She doesn't even know I like her, or maybe she doesn't care. I hope it's the first thing I thought of. I want her to care about me, I care about her so much. Fuck it, I love her!

Fuck yeah, I love her! More than any woman in the world, in the universe! And the moment, no, the very fucking second I can feel my body again... I'm gonna tell her! I should have told her before any of this bullshit even happened... maybe things could have been different-


Huh? Is that a light? It's so dim... I can't reach... no...!

Goddamnit, please! Don't leave me like this anymore! I want to get out, go back to my friends, to Sag! Just a little further, I just need to reach a little further...


...Pisces? Can you hear me? You've got to get me out of here! Please!

"I'm trying... grab on."

Grab onto what? I don't think I have hands...

"Hang on... I don't know if this will hurt..."

Pisces...? Hold up now... what are you going to-



Aries shot up, sweating and panting. Everything was so bright and confusing, he couldn't process anything. All he was aware of now was that he could feel again. His arms, his hands, his legs, everything. Hell yeah, bitches! Aries Ignacio Ramirez is back!

It took him a full minute to realize Pisces and Phil were at the foot of the bed whispering with each other. He swallowed, and attempted to talk, but ended up coughing. He felt so dizzy and excited that he could simply move, he sacrificed his throat for a real laugh.

He smiled at Pisces, before pulling her into a tight hug. She didn't react at first but quickly wrapped her tiny arms around his torso. "Thank you for saving me," He told her, clearing his throat. "You saved me, mama! You saved me!"

Aries' brows rose when Pisces replied solemnly, "I almost killed you in the first place..." His smile dropped as he felt his arm get damp. "I'm so sorry... You don't have to forgive me, I know I don't deserve it."

"How could you say that?" He told her, letting her go to only physically express his surprise with his newly revived arms. She didn't react to the gesture (of course), and Aries only grew slightly discouraged at her tears.  "I probably had it coming, I know you wouldn't do shit like that on purpose. Besides, I'm all better now, see?"

He attempted to make another physical gesture before stopping midway through flexing his muscles, realizing that she could see none of it. Still, she started to laugh, all while staring at his bed covers. "I can see that," She said after her giggling fit ended. "You look just the same before..."

"Before what?" The question slipped, and both Phil and Pisces' reactions made Aries's brows furrow.

"Aries..." Phil spoke up for the first time, immediately getting Aries's attention. "I want you to tell me what you remember before... before your coma."

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now