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Aqua, get out of my head!

Not until I find her!

You don't even know what you're doing!

Where is she, Dad?

I need to redirect him somewhere... can't overpower the Weapon...





My eyes flash open and my new world comes into view.

There are so many thin, black trees stretching into the crimson sky. There's no sun, or moon... just different shades of red. I swallow, hoping that I'm not in the Cursed Realm again.

Something about this place makes me believe that this isn't the Cursed Realm. I don't know what it is, I just know. It's familiar, in a sense. I don't know... "Mom?" I call. No answer. But someone's walking in front of me-

Dad! He's on the move! I quickly fly behind him and look to where he's walking. There's no path beneath us. Where is he going? Wherever it is... he knows how to get there.

Soon enough, a mansion comes into view from the trees. It looks dusky and old, with black shutters and columns. The doors - being golden - harshly stand out, and in front of them, a mand stands stiff and steady.

He's huge, even from our distance. Maybe even bigger than Taurus. He's even chocolate skinned with dreadlocks wrapped in a bun. His ears are pointed, with stark, black, huge wings. And his eyes... a deep, endless purple. Is he a god?

I land beside Dad after he trots up the stairs to the man. Even with the incredible size difference Dad doesn't seem intimidated. "Thanatos," He greets calmly... too calmly. "I need to-" Thanatos only looks around Dad, clearly uninterested. Dad sighs. "Hecate's not here-"

That must have pissed Thanatos off because he grabs Dad by the collar and bears his sharp teeth. "Relax!" Phil shouts. "You know damn well what would happen if I brought her here. Zeus would kill her. I don't think you'd like that, would you?" Thanatos huffs. "Didn't think so. Now, can you put me down? I need to talk to your mother."

Thanatos obeys with a grunt and a roll of his eyes. Dad nearly lands flat on his ass but catches himself on his feet. The doors open with a touch from the much larger man, and Phil saunters in, followed by Thanatos, followed by me.

Inside, the manor is surprisingly bright, with ornate chandeliers and portraits and an obscene amount of books. There's even a piano that's being played by a light-skinned man. He's with several pointed-eared and winged children that scamper down various halls the moment Thanatos and Dad come into view. Only the man stays, closing his piano and asking, "Philander? Why are you here? And why aren't you with Hecate."

The last statement is not a question. I study this new man as he stands. His hair is cut short, and his skin has a peachy tint. He didn't have bulk as Thanatos did, but there was still clear muscle under his clothes. His wings were crisp and golden. And, though he was much shorter than Thanatos, he still towered over Dad.

Dad groans. "Why do you keep asking that? I'm not her bodyguard, and she's not even in the Divine Realm anymore."

The Divine Realm? Of course... this must be Tartarus, where Hecate was raised. She had said Thanatos was like a brother to her. But why does it resemble the Cursed Realm so much? Damn... more questions, fewer answers.

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang