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"Way to go, Capricorn." Taurus mumbled to himself, throwing plastic cups into a trash bag. "It was a fun party, and you just had to call Aries a 'an asshole jock who has no consideration for others.' And now, Virgo has a black eye and it's all your damn fault."

Virgo sighed. She held the ice pack Leo made for here against her eye as she watched Taurus clean up and quietly rant about his friend. Taurus told her to stay put and "let her wound heal." She rolled her eyes.

"Taurus." Virgo glared at her giant friend. "Let me help clean up. It was my party, and it's not like my legs are broken."

"We got it." Taurus looked up with a smile. "You should rest."

"From what?"

"From trauma!" Taurus exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips. Virgo deadpanned him from the couch. Taurus glared over at Capricorn, who was wiping off the table. "Trauma that could have been prevented."

Capricorn rolled his eyes. Taurus threw a can at his side. "Hey!" He shouted, glaring up at Taurus. Taurus cracked his knuckles. Capricorn swallowed.

Anyone knew it was a death wish to go up against Taurus. He was big and tall, 6'6 to be exact. That paired with him being on the football team made for him being powerful, too. Virgo knew he couldn't hurt a fly, though.

"Look, I'm sorry." Cap sighed, looking at Virgo. Virgo glared back at him. "I didn't think he'd fight me, but I overestimated his intellect yet again. How's your eye?"

"Black." Virgo replied cooly. Taurus threw another can of soda at him. Virgo smiled. "I should have kicked you out, too."

"I didn't punch you."

"You provoked the person who did."

"Yeah, so? Aries is a 20-year-old man, he should have the self control to not resort to violence."

"Tell that to Scorpio..." Taurus murmured.

"Hey, he's different." Capricorn rolled his eyes, sighing.

"How so?" Virgo raised an eyebrow. "He's just as brash and aggressive. Only difference is Scorpio never really grew out of his emo phase." Taurus and Virgo snickered. Capricorn only sucked in his cheeks.

"Ah, lighten up, Cap." Taurus chuckled, tying up his trash bag full of soda cans. "He's our friend, too. But Virgo is right. You can't favor one and hate the other."

"Sure I can." Cap smiled. "Scorpio has at least some form of fucking decency, and Aries obviously has none of it. They aren't the same."

"Well they're pretty damn close." Taurus snickered again, resulting in getting punched in the arm by Capricorn. "Ow, that hurt... a little."

"Stop making fun of my friend, then."

"Your friend is psychotic." Virgo muttered. "I'm honestly glad he and Cancer didn't show up."

"Oh, we're just badmouthing everyone, huh?" Taurus interjected.

"N-no! I'm being honest... think about it. If Scorpio was here, he wouldn't have wasted a second trying to beat Leo's face in."

Virgo shuttered. Their fights have only been getting worse. It was pretty mild back when they were kids in middle school. As time went on, it only escalated, turning into full brawls almost every time they saw each other.

"True." Capricorn nodded. "It's crazy isn't it?"

"Crazy as you hating Aries?"

"You don't like him either."

It was true. Virgo hated how loud and messy and brash he was. "Fair." She hummed, shrugging as she got up, much to Taurus' sudden complaining. "But that also means that I do my best to stay out of his way. You're an asshole too for picking fights."

"Come on, Virg..." Capricorn started, walking close to her. He was quite short, only around 5'5. She was shorter, at 5'3. Virgo hated being so small, but it was nice that most of her friends were too.

She fell out of her height trance and backed away from him, turning her back to him too. "Virgo, please." Cap still pleaded. "I really am sorry. Look, I can call Scorpio right now and tell him to talk to Aries-"

"How petty are you?!" Virgo turned back around, yelling at her closest friend. The ice pack was still held at her eye.

"Extremely." Capricorn deadpanned. Taurus only sighed. "What makes you think I'm going to apologize to his face? I have no reason to."

"Then don't apologize at all." Taurus said under his breath. Virgo didn't notice him leave for the kitchen to get a snack. "Just drop it so he doesn't kick your ass when we go back to campus on Monday."

"Fine." Cap sighed, backing away. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Virgo sighed too. "It was a mistake to invite them..."

"Damn right it was. And you didn't listen to me."

"You really think you're right, huh?"

"No, but I know I'm not in the wrong." Cap smirked and Virgo groaned.

"Just drop it, honey." Taurus coos suddenly picking her up. Virgo gasped and squirmed to try and leave his hold but he was too strong. "You know how Cap can be stubborn about his ways, even more than me at times~"

"I'm not stubborn!" Capricorn exclaimed.

"Sure you aren't." Virgo was put down again, much to her appreciation. "Anyway, house is all clean. We should get going, yeah?"

Virgo didn't want either of them to leave. Taurus and Capricorn were closest friends. People would tease her for being rigid and snotty, but those boys never did. As much as those two argued with one another, Virgo wouldn't replace them with anyone else.

"I should at least see you guys out." Virgo hummed, opening the door to let her friends out. "Thanks again for helping."

"Ah, it's no trouble, Virgie~" Taurus smiled, grabbing Capricorn and pulling him out of the doorway. "It was a fun party! But next time, let's invite less people, okay?"

Virgo nodded and leaned against the door frame. "Sure thing. Be safe, boys~"

Before Taurus made it to his car, a sudden bright light shot up into the sky in the distance. It was a thin, piercing line, illuminating the entire sky. The source was hidden behind the trees. The three friends stood frozen, looking up at the sky as the light disappeared as soon as it came.

"What the fuck was that?!" Taurus exclaimed, running back to Virgo, hiding his giant body behind Virgo's small frame. "On second thought, can't we stay here?"

"Taurus, grow some balls." Capricorn deadpanned at his friend. "We have to go home. You have to feed your turtle, and I have to get ready for work."

"Are you completely unfazed by the giant light in the sky?"

"It's gone now." Cap sighed. "Probably just some bullshit Aqua was 'inventing.'"

Virgo doubted him, and she knew Taurus did, too. Aquarius did have some insane nights where things could be heard exploding in the distance. But this... it felt different. Unsettling. Virgo couldn't explain it, but when she and Taurus exchanged a small, solemn look, she knew she didn't have to.

A small huff left Cap's mouth. "Not you, too, Virg. I promise it's nothing. Come on, Taurus."

Taurus sucked in his cheeks and obeyed. Virgo found it adorable how he just listened to someone half his size. He was rarely a pushover, but Taurus could never say no to those he cared for. "See you later Virgo." He sighed before hugging Virgo tightly. She hugged back and kissed his cheek, making his chocolate skin heat up a bit.

She watched them pull out of the driveway and speed off before looking back up at the sky. The light was completely gone now, as if it never was there. But Virgo knew what she saw, even without her glasses.

What was that light?

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now