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Day after day, the Zodiac continued to train. Until...

November 25, 1997.

"Make way, birthday girl comin' through!" Sagittarius announced as she marched down the girl's hall. The other women were with her, giggling and laughing and cheering for her. Each of them sent their happy wishes, and Virgo even made her a shiny bracelet of rouge gems.

Gemini was playing into the royalty concept, holding her hand out in front of Sag and saying, "Move it, move it, people! Birthday Princess coming through!"

The guys were already in the kitchen, awkward and silent as always. Well, Aquarius was an exception (as usual), rambling of to Capricorn, who seemed to be asleep at the table. Seeing him made Sag squirm, he looked so lifeless. Just like-

"Happy birthday, Mama!" Aries exclaimed when he met her in the kitchen. His hand was covered in a bright flame. The rest of the girls giggled out of the way as he wound up for his punch. "Ready for your birthday licks?"

"You'd punch a girl?" She challenged, already knowing the answer.

"I'd punch you. Now hold still, I'll make sure it won't-"

"Happy birthday, Sag," Scorpio interrupted, jogging down the steps. He already had his battle suit on, paired with baggy eyes and a yawn. She noticed Aqua quiet down at the sight of the Sign. "I'm telling you now so you don't bother me about it later."

"Aw, you remembered?" Sag pounced for the opportunity to tease. Scorpio groaned and rolled his eyes. "If you did, you gotta remember my present!"

"What present?" Aries asked defensively.

"Her birthday kiss," Scorpio answered with a shrug. If Sag hadn't been standing between the two giants, she knew Aries would have tried to swing at Scorpio. "She's gotten it every year since we started high school, and honestly, I don't think I wanna give it to you anymore."

"And why not?" Sag puffed out her chest as if she didn't notice the jealous dragon behind her.

"'cause, I don't fucking want to. That good enough for you?"

"No, not really! What, someone giving you cold feet?"


"Don't wanna hear it! Birthday kiss, now!"

"For the last fucking time-"

To be fair, Sag did get what she demanded. So, did she complain when Aries spun her around and slammed his lips against hers? No, of course not. It wasn't like she could have anyway, there were so many stars and fireworks going off at once. Her hands moved faster than she would have expected, and suddenly he was holding her by her thighs.

Sag knew damn well that they would have kept going had some of the Signs not snickered or cooed. Her eyes flew open as she had to save herself from falling flat on her ass. Everyone, even Pisces was staring at the two. Her face flushed when Scorpio ruffled her already messy hair and chimed, "Last time I checked, a birthday kiss was on the cheek, Sag. Starting a new tradition, huh?"

"Yeah?" Sag argued defensively with her hands on her hips. "Well, jokes on you! He's ten times the kisser you'll ever be!"

Scorpio smirked as he proudly walked off. "Great! Now you can kiss him all day. Have fun!" Cancer and Pisces giggled as they followed him outside. More Signs teased and left the two fire Signs before Leo was the only one left.  He was wiggling his eyebrows and jabbing Aries with his elbow. "Jeez man, you totally went for it!" He cried.

"Shut up, Leo!" Aries and Sag snarled at the same time. He only laughed harder, making the others groan.

From her peripheral, she noticed how red Aries was. How nervous his stance was. How his hair was getting even longer. "Ooh, Sag! I didn't think you liked him back!" Leo snapped her out of her trance. He quickly pranced out of the way of her punch, laughing all the way outside. Sag huffed, and Aries huffed back.

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