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Virgo had no idea her book would be so extensive.

She was amazed that even the style of writing matched her personality, as with Gemini's and Cancer's. It was truly individualized. She would have pointed it out to her mother, but she seemed oddly reserved. Even her mind was closed off as Phil had a one-sided conversation with her.

Gemini glanced at her, still managing to ramble off to an intrigued Cancer and a strangely silent Leo. Whatever they talked about, Gem told Virgo. It'll be okay, Virgo. Maybe she just wants to be with her thoughts.

Virgo smiled at her friend, grateful that Gem eased her worry, even if a little. But why hide? She's never done that before...

She'll tell us, didn't see say that she wanted to tell us something?


So don't worry about it! It'll be fine, Virg! Stop worrying! "Hey, my book says I'm a shapeshifter?" Gem randomly squinted, showing Cancer. "I never knew that! Hey, Phil, you gotta show me how!"

Without missing a beat, Phil snapped his fingers and nodded. "Sure thing, kid. It's natural for you, so it won't be hard. You can train tomorrow if your up for it!"

"Heck yeah!" Gem exclaimed, even making Leo smile. Virgo wondered what would have made him so quiet. What do you think Gem? What's up with Leo?

Eh, who knows? He's probably mad Pisces interrupted his smexy time with Libra, he'll be alright. And don't worry about him either! Virgo playfully rolled her eyes with a smile.

In the living room, some Signs were simply relaxing, or at least attempting to. Virgo heard Scorpio and Sag's bickering before she saw them.

"You wouldn't have died if you just went left," She grumbled beside Taurus, who was fast asleep on the couch. Pisces sat on his lap, staring in no one's direction. Libra was at their feet on the floor, holding her arms out for Leo to naturally fall in. "But no~ 'My name is Scorpio Reyes and I think I'm right all the time!'"

"Shut up, Sag," He snapped at her. To no one's surprise, she didn't even flinch. Gem sat down beside Aquarius, who was also on the floor, silently observing his friend's altercation. He smiled when Gem started to babble on about her book and her title, making sure she didn't trigger it. "I lost because you kept distracting me with your fat mouth."

"Yeah, yeah," Sag waved him off. "I wouldn't have to 'distract' you if you just went left like I told you!"

"Well, looks like most of the Zodiac is acting normal, huh Hecate?" Phil chuckled at the Sign's banter. When she didn't respond with so much as a sound, he gave up and sighed. "Okay everyone, listen up. Your teacher has something to tell you."

"Oh boy," Aquarius replied with a sarcastic eye roll. "I wonder what new exciting thing we'll learn today. Or, if she's in an especially bad mood, we'll just get endlessly chastised. Can't wait either way."

Before Phil could reprimand his son for his rudeness, Hecate surprisingly agreed with him with, "He's right. All of you want and deserve answers. And I've been withholding too much. If you hate me, I get it. I never made myself likable, and I'm sorry."

The apology left everyone speechless, and rightfully so. Virgo searched her mother for any sort of explanation, but with her barriers tighter than a steel fortress, nothing was revealed.

The Signs gazed at Hecate, everyone surprisingly patient.

"It's time I really tell you the truth." She said simply, but Virgo could tell that there was more. Her eyes were empty as if she had been digging a hole for months, years, decades. "There's a lot I hadn't told you about me... and the rest of the divine. Hypnos coming to Pisces was a cry for help."

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