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⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️
This chapter contains explicit depictions of child abuse and extreme images of panic and anxiety. Please read at your own risk!


The next day, Phil was walking around the house, bright as a bee. A lot of the Zodiac were surprised at his bright recovery, and rightfully so. Even with the constant barrage of questions, Phil didn't mind answering any of them. From his words, he was, "Letting it all hangout."

Virgo was just glad he was back. Her mother looked brighter when he was around. And her cheer was quite welcomed with the Signs.

Unfortunately, there was an issue that Virgo couldn't shake. Aquarius. Yes, he was beyond happy that his father was being more open (except for anything about his mother), but now there was a crazed aura to him. It didn't help that he constantly summoned his Weapon, showing it off and staring at it as if it was simply untapped potential.

Without letting anyone know, she kept secret eyes on him. Watching him during training, and watching harder if his Weapon was summoned. No one knew, not even Scorpio.

Days passed, and before long, Virgo's spying and listening had turned into a routine for her. Aquarius was aware of her mental eyes on him and even took her uneasiness in stride. He had told her, "Stare all you like, Virgo... but you'll never see. You'll never understand what I'm uncovering."

His strange words cycled in her head, long after training and dinner. She and Scorpio were assigned to do the dishes, and she found it to be oddly comforting. The two Signs had an unspoken rhythm, where Scorpio would wash and rinse, and Virgo would dry and put away. They even hummed, not minding that Hecate and Phil were in the kitchen with them.

They were mumbling about something Virgo couldn't hear. "What are they talking about?" Scorpio mouthed to her. Virgo only shrugged.

Suddenly, Phil groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. "Come on, Hecate!" He whined. Hecate only stared back at him. "You have to tell him."

"I..." The goddess stammered. Virgo and Scorpio glanced at each other, unable to make anything of the situation. "Phil, it's-"

"I promise you, he won't be nearly as upset as you think he'll be."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Tell him."

Hecate sighed and nodded before the two adults looked at Scorpio. He reeled back against the counter, worry darkening his features. "Tell who what?" He asked slowly.

"Scorpio..." Hecate started just as slow. "When Hercules attacked the other day... he killed a human to preserve the Zodiac. That human... was your father. I'm so sorry."

Virgo gasped. She, too, was going to send her condolences, before seeing his oddly calm expression. Scorpio blinked once and Virgo could have sworn she saw him smile. "He's dead?"

"Y-yes. If you want to repay your debt with me or Phil, you can. That wasn't fair to you-"

At that, Scorpio burst into laughter, startling the other three in the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, the dark Sign waved a frivolous hand and said, "It's about damn time! Shit, that's the best news I've heard all week!"

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