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Welcome to the prologue! Hope you guys enjoy it!


"You look beautiful, Princess." One of Ophis' maids sang as they brushed her hair in front of a vanity.

Ophi didn't give a reply. She didn't want to speak. Speaking would result in crying and begging, and she refused to do either.

But she did stare at herself. Her golden anaconda eyes were unmoving. Thick, brown curls flowed down her back. Maids were pulling it into a bun. Ophi hated buns.

For the first time, she was wearing white. A white, silk gown, with lace sleeves. It made her hazelnut skin stand out. It was Demon culture to wear white on a special occasion. The Opening of the Portals was definitely the grandest occasion of her lifetime.

"All finished, princess." The maid to her right proclaimed, clasping her hands in triumph. "Isn't she so lovely?"

"By the Cursed, of course!" Ophi's other maid replied. She placed a small lily in her hair, and tucked a curly strand behind her ear. "After the ceremony, the princess should find a mate! There will be incubi and High demons lined up for miles to come when they see you."

Ophi grimaced. No Demon in Hell would even want to touch her. Even if she felt a little pretty today. Still, she knew better than to rebuttal. An argument breaking out now would be fatal.

The maids continued their conversation, as if Ophiuchus wasn't there. That was commonplace, it was a rarity for her to open her mouth. "Oh, the Realms will ring out with joy when the princess of Demons finally finds one she loves."

Ophi knew that was a lie too. All of the Realms looked down on her kind. She let herself crack a small smile. Her servants were rather delusional today.

"Yes, the princess looks excellent in white. The prince would be so happy-"

"Enough." Ophi's voice was suddenly cold. "I don't want to hear another word about the prince. He's gone."

The maids mumbled their apologies and continued with their work silently. Ophi tried not to squirm from the sudden tension. She swallowed, not looking at the mirror in front of her.

Time seemed to slow now. Ophi cursed herself for making it so tense. She should have just let her servants have their fun.

But the prince... Ophi didn't want to even remember his existence. He'll be the Forgotten One now. As much as she wanted to forget, Ophi knew her and her kind's fate rested on the lost prince. Besides, what she wanted was never taken into consideration anyway.

"Princess." A man's voice called Ophi's name. She turned to her door as her maids took fearful steps back.

Cetus was walking to them, his presence further tensing the atmosphere. He was in royal clothes, matching Ophi's white dress. "It's time."

Ophi stood without responding, or even looking up to him. She bowed to her maids, before leaving her room with Cetus leading the way.

The walk was silent. Ophi didn't want to waste her time giving Cetus any attention today. "Hope you're ready to die." Cetus glanced down at her with a smirk. Ophi didn't respond. Cetus continued. "They'll drain you until there's nothing left. This is all they need you for."

Ophi grit her teeth, but held back. On a normal day, she would have stabbed or killed him as many times as it took for her to calm down again. But she couldn't afford to get her dress dirty. Black blood stains terribly on white clothes. So Ophi kept moving behind him, biting her tongue.

Cetus didn't stop. His smirk turned into a wide grin. "Aw, is poor, little Ophi getting mad at me telling the truth?" He clicked his tongue, laughing. "I bet you wouldn't be all moody if he was here-"

"Cetus." Ophi clenched her teeth, glaring at him. Her snake eyes glowed a deep yellow. Cetus turned around and glared back. "Don't you dare mention him. You don't have the right."

"Sure I do. He's my brother, too."

"Not by blood." Ophi started to growl, baring her fangs. Demons are never conceived, unless they are supposed to be of royal descent, like Ophi. "All you are is a royal guard who's in over his head. Now," Ophi's eyes lost their glow as she stared ahead. "Escort me to the front balcony."

Cetus clicked his tongue and continued ahead. Not another word was said as they reached their destination. The King and Queen were waving below. Cetus stayed near the entrance as Ophi walked forward to meet her parents.

To her left stood the proud Demon King. He was tall, easily close to 6'4. His hair shot down his back in thick dreadlocks. A splitting image of the Prince.

He was in his royal white garments, matching his bright, sharp-toothed smile. He looked at Ophi as she walked up to him. It made her shiver that he was so happy.

To her right was the Demon Queen. Ophi didn't dare look that woman in the eye. Her dress matched her husband's attire, and Ophi thought she looked pretty. But, the princess knew she had one job today, and it wasn't complementing her mother.

Ophi looked ahead. Below the balcony of the castle were hundreds of soldiers, and commoners were cheering down the wide aisle.

"Welcome, citizens of the Cursed Realm!" Ophi's father's voice rung out, demanding silence. Instantly, not a word could be heard. "We have had many victories in the past, but none will compare to the victory we will achieve today!"

He sounded genuinely excited. Ophi let herself smile at him. She was surprised that he smiled back. "For centuries," The King continued. "We have been on the bottom. The Gods and Creatures look down upon us Demons." The King clenched his fists. "Today, that will end. Today, will be the start of a new era. The Zodiac will be on our side and we will take what is ours!"

Ophi swallowed. She knew it was time.

"Ready yourself." Her mother, the Queen murmured.

"Yes ma'am." Ophi's reply was quick, her eyes focused below.

Each of her parents raised a hand. Black lighting formed around her father's hand, purple energy covering her mother's. Ophi raised both of her hands in front of her, letting her eyes glow and her power take over.

Instantly, she felt herself being drained. Her eyes fluttered as she struggled to keep consciousness. The portal started to form, but it wasn't big enough. "Stay awake." Her mother commanded quietly.

Ophi heard Cetus snicker. She grit her teeth and straightened herself. Everyone thinks I'm weak, frail. I can handle this. I have to. For my people. For the Realm of the Cursed!

Her father smiled at her. "Good, Ophiuchus." He said. "Give us everything you have."

And Ophi did. With a scream, she poured out every ounce of power within her hybrid body. Her mother and father consumed it, and the portal grew exponentially. It was complete. The Demon army marched their way through, onto the other side, into another Realm.

Her parents lowered her hands as Ophi collapsed onto the floor. She felt sweaty and everything around her was spinning. The Demon King kneeled next to her, suddenly holding her close. "You did excellent." He pet her matted hair. "Rest now."

It was the last ting Ophi heard before falling into darkness.


That's the end of that! The first chapter will come soon, don't worry. Who's your favorite? Let me know what you think!

Stay Starry! 💫

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