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The day had started so strangely for Pisces.

For starters, she could see.

Pisces didn't have a clue as to how she ended up with sight. Reawakening came to to her mind, but she shook the thought away. All she wanted to think about now was her new gift.

She stared down at her hands, feet, legs, arms. There was an strange glow to them, as if she was translucent.

Sunlight peaked through her window, lighting up her room. Her room decorated with pictures and blankets and stuffed animals.

Currently, Pisces was fixated on a framed blue picture. A small brown boy and a blonde girl were smiling with an even smaller brown girl. Pisces blinked, feeling a smile creep on her lips. She hoped she was the small brown girl in the middle.

"Pisces, dear~" Nona suddenly called, walking into her room.

"Nona!" Pisces shot her head in grandmother's direction, tears in her eyes. "Nona, I can see!"

Nona didn't look in her direction. Only the bed. "Pisces, dear?" Nona shook the small lump, but it didn't move. "Pisces?! Oh no..." She put a hand over the mound, before covering her mouth, sobbing into her hand.

"Nona?" Pisces raised her voice. Tears were invading her eyes, slowly leaking out. "Nona, please... I'm right here..." Nona wouldn't play a cruel joke like that, not yet anyway. Pisces knew Scorpio's birthday hadn't passed, so it wasn't Halloween yet. Right, no time for jokes.

An awful realization hit Pisces hard in her heart.

She can't see me.

All of the joy and elation that Pisces was feeling from her newfound sight was ripped away in an instant. There was no point if she was invisible to others.

Pisces walked to the pretty bed. Before she kneeled down, she finally gave the small lump in her bed attention. The woman had round cheeks and a small nose, and long braids were frayed across her pillow. That's what I look like. Pisces smiled. She was glad that she was pretty.

Kneeling down to her Nona, Pisces got a good look at her grandmother. She looked youthful for her age, and matched Pisces's dark chocolate skin.

Pisces always had hope that she'd be able to see Nona some day. Not like this... With her eyes full of tears, Pisces reached out to hug Nona.

Her arms went right through the older woman. Gasping, she pulled them back. Nona was frantic in her phone, calling someone. Pisces could hear her, the words weren't processing. All she could do was stare at her see-through hands.

Minutes must have gone by. Nona had hung up but was still crying in her hands. Suddenly, a man and a woman burst into Pisces's room. Pisces was too distracted to flinch, but slowly looked up at them.

The man was tall, tears streaming down his umber cheeks. He was panting and sweaty, and had sticky, long curls rolling down his back. He almost looked related to her. The woman was smaller and had an identical expression to Nona, hands covering her mouth and tears running down her cheeks, too. Her eyes were a deep blue, so cute. Seeing them made Pisces smile. The two people from the picture!

But, something was strange. The man had a tail, and the woman had a tail too, but it was different. And she had strange ears. Who are these people?

Her question was answered in seconds. "Pisces..." The man whispered, hoarse but distinct. Pisces knew that voice. She stood, widening her eyes.

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