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"Cancer." Scorpio's voice was even, but his desperation was obvious. He had been calling her name ever since Leo and company left Miles's hardware shop. Cancer hasn't responded, and that was six hours ago. "You can't ignore me forever."

Cancer didn't respond. Scorpio huffed and focused on the road. Currently, it was close to midnight and Scorpio was driving her home. "Come on!" His raised his voice, as if he were talking to Leo or a disrespectful teacher. "Cancer, you cant be this serious."

Still, Cancer was silent. He wanted her attention and after today, he didn't deserve a second of it. She stared out the window, sighing at the fact that she spoiled him too much. Excusing his malicious behavior due to his difficult childhood. It wasn't fair.

"Cancer." Scorpio's tone was increasing in desperation and iciness. "For fuck's sake, why the hell are you even mad?"

Why? You keep being cruel to people, not just Leo. You shut people out and you're destructive and I hate it. I want to let you go, but I know you'll fall apart if I do. You're an absolute mess and I wonder why I even still put up with you. Cancer didn't reply.

"Fine. Don't answer." Now he was cold. It made Cancer bite her tongue. The only person Scorpio used that tone with was his father. She shivered, but said nothing else.

When they pulled into Cancer's driveway, Scorpio got out and slammed his car door. He didn't even open her door to let her out. Great, now he's mad at me.

She got out of the car, too, still holding her ground. Her eyes widened when he was unlocking her door. Finally, after all this time, Cancer finally spoke to him. "What are you doing?"

Scorpio didn't look up. "Spending the night." He was still cold.

"No you aren't." Cancer bit her lip. She didn't register that she denied him something until he looked down at her, his menacing gaze looming over her. He's done this before, intimidate people into doing what he wants. Cancer wasn't going to let it work on her. "You need to go home, Scorpio."

He didn't move. Neither did Cancer. "Scorpio, I mean it." She was starting to get irritated, but kept her voice even. If Scorpio could tell he was getting under her skin, tell that he was winning, he'd dig and dig until she caved. "Go. Home."

Scorpio bit the inside of his cheek, turning so he was facing her. He was much taller than her; Cancer only went up to his shoulder. Still, she looked up at him, deep into his onyx eyes. You can hurt everyone you meet, but you'll never break me.

It felt like the seconds slowed. When she realized he wasn't backing down, Cancer softened. She smiled at Scorpio, dropping her keys on the ground, and walked away. Around the side of her house and into her backyard. Scorpio was calling after her but she ignored him.

There was a sudden grab on her arm and Cancer yanked away, turning around to shoot a freezing glare at Scorpio. He didn't look cold anymore, his face was softened and he was even wearing a little pout. "Cancer..." He started, his voice much softer.

"Leave me alone!" Her voice cracked when she raised it. Cancer stormed off again, tuning out the pleas and footsteps. Now, she was leaving her backyard, into the forest, away from Scorpio.

"Cancer, I can't do that." He responded behind her before Cancer heard faster footsteps. Damn Scorpio for being in track. In a moment, he was in front of her, towering over her and blocking her path. "I'm sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it!" She yelled up at him. Cancer had to take a deep breath to keep her voice even. "I am sick of your shit, Scorpio! You piss people off on purpose, and when I finally get fed up, you throw a hissy fit!"

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now