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Today was the day. Libra's reawakening.

Gemini and Aquarius were at her large family home, spending the day with her to watch it unfold, and to help if any pain were to come. They both arrived early in the morning, more eager than Libra herself. Still, Libra was happy enough to know that two of her closest - and smartest - friends were here to help.

Now, the sun was starting to set, and after a day of pizza and movie binging and endlessly checking her phone for Leo, Libra felt it was safe to say nothing had happened. No pain, no powers, no nothing.

"How peculiar..." Aquarius pondered, pacing in front of Libra's TV in her living room. "Shouldn't have something happened by now?"

"I don't know..." Libra absentmindedly shrugged, her eyes fixed on her house phone. Her reawakening would have been exciting to her, if Leo was here, or even alive. He wouldn't ignore her like this. Something is definitely wrong.

"To be fair," Gemini included herself in the conversation, floating around Aquarius. It was one of many new powers she had gotten from her reawakening. Aquarius had spent his day testing those out, too.

They were either ignoring her brooding or at a loss for response. Libra was grateful either way. "I had mine when the sun was going down. Maybe Libra's is taking her time, right Libra?"

Libra didn't answer, her attention solely directed to her phone. Leo still hasn't replied to anything she's sent. She hadn't noticed that her friends had plopped to each one of her sides. "Libra?" Gemini asked again, getting no response again. "Oh." Libra finally noticed that Gemini was looking down at Libra's screen.

"He'll come around." Aquarius assured, nodding as if that would make his words any more believable. "He always does. Maybe he's busy on an insane reawakening adventure with Aries and Sag and he forgot to check in."

"Leo doesn't forget." Libra said, harsher than she would have liked. Neither Gemini nor Aquarius flinched, only giving each other a worried look to each other as Libra gravitated back to her phone.

"Libra." Aqua was more stern this time, grabbing Libra's face to make her look at him.

Aquarius was odd-looking. He wasn't unattractive by any means, but he was lean and a bit on the skinner side. His hair was dark brown and often pulled up into a messy ponytail, much like today. What stood out the most was his muddy brown eyes, coldly gazing into Libra's own. "Leo will be fine. Trust me."

She wanted to believe him. Deep down, Libra knew he was probably right, too. To be fair, when wasn't Aqua right? Still, Libra couldn't bring herself to let it go. She put her phone down on the coffee table.

"Isn't that better?" Aqua asked. Libra didn't get to answer.

It didn't even ring once before Libra nearly ripped her phone off the table. "Hello?" She asked, letting her built-up desperation coat her voice.

"Baby?" Leo. Gemini gasped happily, probably listening in from Libra's mind. Aqua just looked on, wearing his signature intrigued looking. She couldn't fill him in, since she was too focused on Leo's voice. "Baby, I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize." Libra finished for him. "I'm here, okay? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Leo's voice sounded like it was breaking. He either had been crying or was about to. It made Libra grip her phone tighter. "I'm fine... reawakening was a bitch."


Leo's reply was faster than a bullet. "Nothing. It's nothing." Libra's face hardened. He's lying to me. "Did anything happen to you?"

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now