Chapter Forty-Nine

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Hints at the fact that Rhya has played imposter with a certain squad. Also some bloodshed towards the end with injury. :3

It was a dark cavern where they found themselves, struggling against the light whip holding them in place. Kirishima tried to harden his skin but it did nothing to the light while Iida and Asui's quirks just weren't meant for this sort of thing. Rhya stood a few paces away watching the three Bulls struggle.

"You might as well give up." He tiredly said, trying to suppress another yawn. Three heads immediately swiveled to him, eyes narrowed.

"I demand that you release us and return us to our friends!" Iida shouted, trying to be commanding in their desperate situation. "We have nothing to do with you!"

Rhya just gave a soft chuckle. "Mmm... sure you do."

"What the hell does that mean?!" Kirishima struggled harder against their restraints, eyes flashing.

"You're Black Bulls, are you not? That squad has been bringing a lot of trouble to my friends, you see."

The students remained silent, not knowing what to say in response. They had heard about the incidents with the Eye of the Midnight Sun, who they now realized this was, but they weren't actually a part of the Black Bulls technically.

"I do have to say, there's a lot more of you than I thought there was. I had heard rumors that some of the Bulls aren't at the base and instead are on missions, but I never realized how many that Dark Captain actually had." Rhya idly played with a mini light whip in his hands as he talked, meandering closer.

Iida frowned darkly. "We were not a part of any of the incidents against your group. We are merely trainees, nothing more."

"But," a yawn escaped the man, "You're still associated with the group, are you not? And here I thought all Magic Knights were loyal to their squads. Apparently I was mistaken."

"That's not true!" Kirishima burst out, ignoring Asui's attempts to shush him. "The Bulls are a valiant group of people who are true warriors! Your group is the one that's truly unmanly!"

Rhya at this point was standing before the tied up students, and he carefully bent down to the ground. His face hovered above the red-heads, eyes narrowing slightly. The student shivered at the dead gaze.

"You do know what they did to my comrades, right? How they killed Vetto and 'freed' Fana? It made Master Licht very unhappy, and I don't like to see him in such a state. Not to mention they were my friends too." Rhya flicked a stray strike of dark magic at Kirishima, grazing his left cheek. "I don't appreciate what your group has done, and now I'm going to teach them a lesson. Fair is fair after all."

As he smiled lazily, his eyes suddenly widened, looking down to see something pink wrapped around him before he was flung at a wall. He collided with it, slumping to the ground. As Rhya pushed himself up front where he landed, dusting off some debris, he eyed the girl in the group whose tongue lolled out slightly. He grimaced.

"Well, that was gross."

"Good, ribbit."

"Alright then." Rhya sighed, stretching out his back. The students frowned as he placed his hands on his hips, not trusting the man one bit. "How about we play a game, then? As you are all clearly not going to listen."

The light whip holding the three students captive suddenly dispersed, and in an instant the U.A. students were on their feet. They crouched into fighting positions, having no idea where they were but ready to escape.

"Ah, good good. Sadly, I can't tell you where this is, but if I land enough damage on you three I will readily send you home. You just have to let me hurt you, that's all." Rhya gave them a lazy smile.

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