Chapter Forty-Two

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Yami was the first one to sense it.

He had been wandering the halls of U.A. scaring off any kids who he thought looked at him funny when he noticed it. There was a sudden burst of energy from one of the upper floors to the main building, one that he was very familiar with. He quickly made his way up to where the sound of commotion could be heard.

Running up the stairs, his mind wasn't sure what to think when he heard voices raising, one in particular a very strained sound. There was definitely mana present, that was for certain, and as he ran along the hallway he just reached he could only hope he could stop the man from doing something ridiculous.

Throwing open the door to the teacher's lounge, his eyes fell onto that of a tired and angry Wizard King.


Julius had his breath forced out of him as he collided with a semi-soft surface, eyes wide as they watched the portal he had just been falling through close. He immediately sensed the presence of a few others in the room with him and automatically went on the attack, still tense and strained with the emotions he had been dealing with for the past few days.

Sitting up, he threw the one closest into him into Chrono Stasis, not wanting them to get any closer. Turning he faced the other two in the room, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Move any step closer and you'll be in the same situation as your friend here." Julius indicated where Sekijiro was currently stuck in an orb. Standing, he put his hands up, although there was anger in his voice. "All I want is for you to return my Knights to me and then I will leave you alone. We don't need any violence."

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Hizashi was towards one corner of the room, having stopped approaching when he saw his fellow teacher trapped. It was an off period for the man and he hadn't been expecting this.

"Release our friend and then we will talk." Thirteen tried to be pleasant, not wanting anything bad to happen. If this mystery man who fell into their room could immediately freeze their friend in some bubble then they didn't want to see what else he was capable of.

"Tell me where the Knights are and then he will be freed. Those are simple enough terms, or I can go search myself and leave you in the same state as him." Julius didn't know why he was being more aggressive than normal, but he was stressed to the max.

"Hey, you came dropping onto us so you can't go running around telling orders! You're in our territory! I don't care if you're one of those mages, you can't hurt our friend!"

"Please, can we just talk this out?"

"He is simply frozen in time, nothing ill can fall to him. Just bring me to my Knights!"

Before Hizashi could say anything in response, Yami suddenly burst through the door, stopping as he stared at Julius. The Wizard King turned at the new presence, having not noticed it before due to his distraction.

"Yami?..." Julius quietly said, eyes not truly believing what he was seeing.

The man in question unfroze, shaking his head as he propped a hand on his hip. "No, it's Mushroom Head."

Julius began to slowly laugh, dropping his spell on Sekijiro. The hero came out of his stasis ready to fight, but stopped as he stared at the intruder laughing. Everyone's eyes widened as the man began to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Yami. I am a failure as a Wizard King." Yami walked forward to where the man stood, head down as he mumbled. The younger sighed before placing a hand on the other's shoulder, causing him to look at him in the eyes.

"Wasn't your fault. It's out of all of our control I'm afraid. And don't go yapping about being a shitty Wizard King. You're probably the best one the country's seen in years."

"If you say so." Julius smiled, tears still trickling down his cheeks. Without warning he pulled Yami into a tight hug, feeling the larger man stiffen before accepting it.

"The kids are all safe, don't worry. I'm making sure these people don't do anything to them." Yami whispered.

Julius laughed softly. "I know. You always do."


The situation at hand had been quickly explained to the three teachers, them coming to understand that this man was on their side and possibly one of the strongest people to come from this other world. Julius had stuck to Yami's side, relieved to hear that everyone had found a way to settle in as well as they could and that nothing too serious had taken place.

After being handed a glass of water and some snacks by Thirteen, Julius turned to Yami, seriousness in his eyes. For the moment he ignored the presence of the others in the room, not even bothering to look up when more joined.

"Do you have any ideas on who is behind this?" The Wizard King asked the Captain. "On our end we had found completely nothing. I know we had originally thought the Eye of the Midnight Sun, but clearly we were incorrect in that regard."

Yami let out a sigh, leaning back on the couch. "Nothing. They've had their government starting to look into it, but they're running dry as well. Damn bastards who did this will pay when I get my hands on them."

"I'd like to say me as well, but I feel there's a long line already."

"No kidding."

"Well... I think you know my next question."

"Please, Juluis. Spare me."

"WHAT KIND OF MAGIC IS THERE HERE?! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING! OR I'LL GO ON MY OWN!" The teachers were shocked at the way the man's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. Yami just scowled.




Yami struggled to wrench his arm out of Julius' grasp, trying to settle down the fanboy. "Where is Mushroom head when you need him!" The Wizard King only held on tighter.

"Oh no... he seems a bit like Midoriya..." Aizawa muttered, having entered the room minutes earlier with Snipe. The hero froze when shining eyes were locked on to him.

"WHAT'S YOUR POWER? TELL ME!" In an instant Julius had grabbed onto Aizawa's capture weapon, choking the man as he smiled brightly. "Yami said no magic, but I sense power radiating off of everyone here so you clearly have some ability. I MUST KNOW!"

"G-Get off me!" Hizashi began howling with laughter as his friend tussled with the Wizard King, trying to get him to move away. Thirteen and Sekijiro wondered how this was the same man they had just seen minutes earlier while Snipe looked at them with concern.

Yami merely snorted, rolling his eyes at Julius' antics. He wasn't pleased with this turn of events, but having a bit more normalcy and chaos wasn't a bad thing. Hell, it was just going to make things all the more interesting. That was for certain.

And in another part of the U.A. building, Nezu stared wide-eyed at his monitor, tea cup spilled on the table, as he watched a giant book floating above his entire school.

Guys... we've hit over 10K reads already... what the heck! *hugs all of you tightly* I posted this on here like a month ago since I figured AO3 was going well, why not here, but I never expected it to blow up as it did. Thank you all so so so much! I really appreciate everything. You have no idea.

<3 Zelinith

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