Chapter Three

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"So... this is Japan? I haven't heard of that country before. And this is the city of Musutafu? Interesting..." Noelle tapped her chin with her finger, trying to recall anything she had learned growing up about other places.

"I mean, at least we all speak the same language, or at least similar enough excluding a few words. That's convenient." Mimosa said with a smile, now more comfortable with the whole situation than before. Yuno and Asta sat next to the two girls, each deep in their own thoughts. Bell had disappeared once more, making the erasure hero wonder if he had seen her at all.

They were currently in what Aizawa had said was the teacher's lounge, and were in the middle of a conversation with the leaders of the school. When the four had seen Nezu they had been nervous, but after hearing him talk and being extremely friendly, they had relaxed a bit more. The teachers who could come were here as well, everyone sitting someplace in the room forming a giant circle.

Toshinori cleared his throat before speaking to the mages.

"Where do you come from, if you don't mind me asking."

"Oh! We are from the Clover Kingdom, but we are all from different parts of it. Yuno and I grew up together and the girls are cousins." Asta gave him a big grin, no longer bothered by everything that was happening although still confused. "Noelle and I work under the same squad together while Mimosa and Yuno work for a different one." He chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "We're always on the move. Never stay long in one spot cause of our missions."

"You say squad. What does that mean?" Nemuri asked from where she was perched next to Sekijiro. "Like agency? And are you heroes... or what?"

"Mimosa and myself are members of the Golden Dawn while the other two are in the Black Bulls. We are all Magic Knights. However..." Yuno smirked slightly at Asta. "Some of us are higher ranked knights than others."


"Oh!" Mimosa clasped her hands together, oblivious to Yuno's words. "We are not heroes, but mages. I don't know if that makes a difference, but we have spells and grimoires that we use. It's how we earned our positions as Magic Knights and our duty as such is to protect the Clover Kingdom."

Nemuri nodded, although new questions were now forming. Hizashi beat her to it.

"What the heck is a grimoire? Is it that weird book you guys got with ya?"

"This," Noelle pulled out her light blue grimoire, "Is what we use to cast more powerful spells. We don't need it for basic magic, but everyone has one for those that are more complex. And of course," she flipped her ponytail back, "Royalty have the best grimoires."

"Noelle..." Mimosa sighed.

"Really? Then explain this." Yuno pulled out his four leaf clover grimoire while Asta waved his tattered five leaf one in the air. "And the fact you need a wand to control yours."

"A-alright. Maybe not always, but our spells are more powerful!" Another stern look and frantic waving. "W-whatever!"

Watching this go down between the four mages, the teachers were able to quickly realize that while Mimosa and Noelle were royalty, it was clear that Yuno and Asta were not, yet somehow more powerful.

Interesting. That would have to be observed later.

"Do you four have any idea on why you were transported here?" Nezu asked, bringing everyone back to the situation on hand. "Even if you don't, any knowledge will help us figure out how to send you back home."

"No, I don't think we know why we are here at all." Asta looked at his companions. "One moment we were setting up camp in the woods and the next we were falling through a portal, landing here."

"We were currently headed back to the capital to report on the mission we just completed." Mimosa added.

"Hmm..." Nezu pondered this information. "Well, until we figure out how and why this all happened, I will be placing you under Aizawa for his time being." Aizawa shot up from his slouched position, ready to argue, but Nezu continued on. "We will provide you housing with the rest of his students in Class 1-A and you will attend classes with them as well. It is best if we keep this as quiet as possible. Don't need to scare the public, now do we."

"Thank you. We will follow your command." Mimosa spoke for the others, not giving them a chance to back out. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, she was probably just the most polite out of them all.

Nezu clapped his paws together. "Alright! Aizawa, I leave them to you." He hopped off the chair he was sitting in, making his way to the door. Nemuri winked at the mages before following the principal out. Hizashi and Sekijiro said goodbye and promised to introduce them to the rest of the teachers later.

Left alone with just Aizawa and Toshinori, the four mages finally relaxed, slumping in their seats. To be fair, they had known these two for the most amount of time and the three with magic could sense that they were truthful with their words and not much of a threat with their power. Asta could tell the same by their chi.

"So, what now?" Asta spoke up, never one for complete silence.

Aizawa stood up, straightening himself out. "I'm going to show you to the dormitory set aside for my class where you will be living for the time being. And then, because it isn't too late yet, you'll be introduced to the rest of your new classmates along with given a few tasks." He motioned for the four mages to stand up, starting to head towards the door. "Oh, you don't have to worry about classes yet. I'll postpone them for another day so you can settle in and get what you need. I doubt we'll be able to find a way home for you in the next coming days."

With the mages in tow along with Toshinori, Aizawa could only hope that his students would be welcoming and treat them nicely.

It will become more interesting soon enough. I promise. Hang in there. :)


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