Chapter Twenty

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It was during another round that it happened. The four mages had been close to one another on the field, fighting each other over the ball when they felt the shift in power occur. Immediately they froze in place, looking at one another as they tried to sense where the power shift originated from.

Aizawa motioned for his students to stand back, unsure of what was happening to the mages. He slowly made his way over to them before they all turned as one in the opposite direction of him before breaking into a sprint. Startled, the erasure hero squinted to see what they were running towards. His eyes widened before he too began to run after them.

In the distance, a group of people sat in a heap, one of them holding up his hand while a book hovered besides him. Aizawa quickly connected the dots as he ran after his mages, realizing that these newcomers must also be from their world.

Meanwhile Asta led the charge, Noelle right beside him while Mimosa and Yuno followed behind. The three figures in the heap stared at them as they made their way to where they sat, various emotions dancing in their eyes. When they were only yards away, one figure stood up and started running towards them.

"ASTA! NOELLE!" Vanessa cried, her grimoire floating besides her as she used her string magic to reach the two teens. The second she got hold of them she pulled them to her, immediately engulfing them in a giant hug. Mimosa and Yuno stopped next to the witch and with a watery smile they too were brought in close.

Finral was quick to join in, tears freely running down his face now as well, helping to squeeze the living daylights out of the teens. Yami meandered over, trying to appear unaffected but failing miserably.

"We thought you were gone!" The witch sobbed, holding the four teens even tighter. "There was no sign of you anywhere!"

"P-please tell us you're alright!" Finral cried, hugging tighter as well. "Y-you're not supposed to scare your senior members like this!"

The two Black Bulls released the teens, standing a foot away to properly get a look at the missing mages. Their eyes scanned them over, looking for any injuries or signs of abuse. Seeing none, bright smiles of relief broke out on their faces as they wiped their tears.

Noelle brushed a few of her own out of her eyes while Mimosa held tight to her arm, a few trailing down her own cheeks. Yuno and Asta stood quietly next to each other as well, still shocked at seeing familiar faces from their own world.

Yami came closer, putting a hand on Asta's shoulder. The anti-magic user looked up at his captain, seeming to consider something, before throwing himself onto the older man. Yami grunted at the impact, but after a moment's hesitation wrapped his own arms around Asta. Looking over at Noelle, he waved her over, the water mage joining in on the hug.

"Glad you're not dead." He gruffly muttered, causing the two young Bulls to laugh into his chest.

"Can't get rid of us that easy, Captain!" Asta replied, his smile wide.

"A-as if this world could k-kill us that easily..." Noelle whispered, holding onto her captain a bit tighter.

Aizawa stood a few yards away, watching the reunion between the mages and the newcomers. When the pink-haired woman went to speak, she stopped, her eyes narrowing in on him. With a menacing glare, her grimoire began to glow brighter. The other man next to her did the same.

"Who are you?" She cried, standing defensively in front of the four mages. String appeared in her hands. "You will answer me!" The other man held a similar stance, blocking the larger one along with the mages he held in his arms.

Slowly, the erasure hero held up his hands in peace, dropping his capture weapon to the ground. His students still remained on the field, warily watching what was going down.

"I promise you, I have been no threat to those four." Aizawa slowly started, inching closer to them. When the woman took a step forward he paused. "I can explain everything."

The woman and man released their magic, but their grimoires still floated nearby. Mimosa walked forward, gently placing a hand on the pink woman's arm.

"He speaks the truth." She quietly said, giving Aizawa a small smile although tears pooled in her eyes. "He and the others here have been helpful and kind to us. They've made sure we were safe from prying eyes."

"They are not responsible for us being brought here." Yuno added on once Mimosa finished. The two older mages finally relented at these words, grabbing their grimoires and placing them back into their holders. Both then proceeded to look to the larger man for direction who at this point had released Asta and Noelle from their hug.

"You'll answer everything we have to ask." He darkly stated, hand going to the katana at his waist. "If you don't, I'll kill ya."

Aizawa didn't doubt him for a second.

Instead, he simply nodded, lowering his own arms and picking up his capture gear from the ground. He waved his class over. Once they reached his side, he informed them that they would be done for the day and to return to their dorms. Knowing better than to argue, his students wandered away, giving occasional glances back at the newcomers.

As he indicated for the group of mages to follow him, he couldn't help but feel déjà vu. He really was going to need a nap after this.

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