Chapter Forty-One

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* = something told in BNHA School Briefs #4

Oh yeah, by the way.

The students have been practicing for the Festival all this time. The mages had declined taking part in it, not wanting to ruin anything that had already been planned before they appeared in this world. Therefore, the students during off times were practicing for their concert and play, the mages cheering them on all the while.

Kendo and Yanagi had tried to convince Noelle and Mimosa to join in the beauty pageant, Nejire eventually also asking them as well, but both girls had shied away, not completely comfortable with the idea. Yuno and Asta had agreed to just venture around the venue together, looking at all the different sections that were planned to be set up. Magna and Luck were going to try and beat each other at all the games that were going to be set up.

Finral, Vanessa, and Yami had been asked to patrol around the area with the other teachers, wanting to make sure that everything remained safe. They were informed of the recent attacks and how hosting this festival was already a big red flag in the police department's eyes. Captain Yami ordered his members to do as they asked or he'd kill them as he normally did.

So when the day of the festival finally rolled around, the mages were wandering the area while the students put on their events.

"What the heck are those things?" Asta asked, eyes bugging out as he stared at the metal contraptions before him. Yuno, Mimosa, and Noelle were also surprised, having never seen such things before.

"I-I have no idea..." Noelle inched back a bit, slightly nervous at the sight of metal seemingly roaming around on it's own. Mimosa held onto her cousin's arm, also very uncomfortable.

It was Yuno, shockingly, who jumped out of his skin when the robot began to speak.

"Hello. I am Model T-35, support buddy for your daily needs. Welcome to our event."

Yuno, after being freaked out, immediately turned around and left the area, ignoring the calls of his companions to wait up. The four mages for the rest of the festival avoided every robot that they saw, not trusting them one bit.

Over at the game stalls, Magna was bemoaning yet another loss to Luck at a simple game of darts. The business students running the stand were getting a kick out of the show.

"How can I still keep losing?!" Magna cried, glasses becoming askew on his face.

Luck laughed happily, clutching a very large plush, blue bunny in his arms. He also had on a few necklaces, a bandana, and a snake toy wrapped around his neck. At this point the business students who had set up all the different stalls were trying to see how easily the mage could beat their game.

"This is so much fun! I hope our next festival back home has things like this, haha!" Magna moodily followed the chipper teen, pouting as they headed to yet another game.

Outside the gym where the concert was currently taking place, Vanessa and Finral were walking by it, covering their ears at the loud noise coming from within. They had peeked in to see what was happening and then quickly retreated.

"How can they deal with that much noise in such a confined space? The pounding in my head is worse than when I'm hungover!" The witch complained, pulling her hat further down to cover her ears.

Finral shook his head, hands pressed firmly over his own. "I have no idea, but I don't appreciate such a concept even if there would be cute people inside."

"I'll drink to that."

The two mages quickly made their way out of the area. Originally they had hoped to catch Eri as she and Mirio left the venue, wanting to ditch their patrol duties, but it was unanimously decided to find her later in the day. Besides, they'd heard over the weird things that Sekijirou had told them to put in their ears that Midoriya had just taken care of a villain who was planning to sabotage the event. Now more than ever they needed to do their job.

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