Chapter Ten

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When the regular students of Class 1-A entered the classroom, they quickly noticed that four more seats had been added to the back. They also picked up on the fact that Aizawa was already present (which was highly unusual), so they all took their seats, quietly talking amongst themselves.

The last batch of students came in five minutes before the bell would ring, the mages following behind them. Asui pointed them to the back of the room towards the new row. With everyone seated, Aizawa didn't bother to wait for the bell, clearing his throat to draw everyone's attention.

"Alright class," he began, exhaustion ever present in his voice, "I'm glad you did as I asked of you and took care of our visitors. Us teachers appreciate it, and thank you for also holding your questions back and not bombarding them immediately. Today will be a good time for us to better understand one another and learn about where we come from."

"Thank All Might because I still don't know what a grimoire is." Kaminari whined, throwing his head back dramatically.

Aizawa nodded his head. "Precisely. Although some things have been explained, not everything is understood and there is still much more that needs to be figured out. I think the best way to go about this is to ask questions and have our newcomers answer them. If you have one, please raise your hand."

Immediately twenty hands shot into the air. Sighing deeply and wondering why he ever became a teacher, Aizawa pointed at Yaoyorozu.

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei." She turned to face the mages in that back. "I am curious about your 'magic' as you call it. Is that similar to a quirk, or something different? As we do not need grimoires to use our powers, what does magic exactly entail?"

"Well, what's a quirk?" Yuno shot back, arms crossed. "You never explained what that is."

"A quirk is a special, superhuman ability someone can possess." Midoriya piped in, his face smiling. His knowledge was able to shine here. "Generally they are unique to their user, and they fall into many different categories. That's why all of ours are completely different."

"Indeed. They also can be passed down family lines, or variations of a quirk can be. Most don't show until the age of four." Yaoyorozou added.

"That's similar to our magic in a way." Mimosa said. "Our magic comes from the mana that exists in all of nature as a form of energy. The mana that is present within us is has an affinity to certain attributes. These can be from a multitude of categories, but they all originate from the four great ones: fire, water, wind, and earth. Usually a person possesses magic that is similar to those within their families."

"That's so cool!" Ashido squealed, perching dangerously on her seat. "So like, is it more common to have completely different magic abilities?"

"Not exactly." Noelle said, sitting back in her seat. "One of my older siblings has water creation magic just like I do, while the other two have different kinds. It is common to find others with the same type as you have, but it is uncommon to find wildly exotic types."

"And," Yuno added to the end, "Spells are not common at all between people. Those are unique to the individual."

"My head hurts..." Sero plopped his head into his arms.

"You guys are way more complex than I originally thought." Kirishima scanned the mages over, seeming to look at them anew. "But that's so awesome!"

"I would like to ask a question now, if I may." Iida raised his hand straight into the air. "Asta said he does not have magic, but he still has a grimoire. How does that work?"

"I have anti-magic!" Said mage yelled loudly. "I can nullify any magic spell that I am put against! It's probably 'cause I have no magic that I can even wield this to begin with."

"That's interesting." Midoriya began to mutter to himself. "You're the equivalent of someone who is quirkless in our world yet are still able to wield a 'magic' although I guess it technically isn't magic. That would be a game changer if quirkless people in our world could do something similar and it would probably make them feel more useful, but then this must mean you are the small minority as well in your world if you don't have any magic and-"


"Ah! S-sorry!" The green-haired teen blushed bright red, trying to hide in his seat.

"What's a Magic Knight? And squads?" Uraraka asked, her eyes bright with everything they were learning.

"Kind of what your heroes are, at least I think." Mimosa scratched her head. "We are selected to be protectors of the kingdoms, and the captain of the squad is who chooses you to join their group. We go on missions in order to make sure everything is safe and the people can live in peace. The four of us have become better friends because we have accompanied one another on joint missions."

"The Wizard King is the ultimate Magic Knight. He is (technically) more powerful than the King of the Clover Kingdom and we serve directly under him and answer to him (the King's a joke)." Noelle added.

"One day I'm going to become the Wizard King!"

"Not if I become it first."

"So you're essentially heroes in your own way." Todoroki interrupted the soon-to-be-argument. "Interesting."

"Can we finally test our quirks against your magic now?" Hagakure asked, her body shaking in excitement. "I want to see you go against Bakugou and put him in his place!"


"There will be time for demonstration and comparison later in the day." Aizawa spoke up, rejoining the conversation. "After lunch period the rest of the day will be spent back in Gym Gamma where we first met. Some other teachers will be joining us along with Class 1-B. We were going to have the joint training anyways, and this will provide a good opportunity to see your magic in action regardless of the circumstances. And yes," he looked tiredly into his students wide eyes, "This means they will be informed of what has happened, but in terms of a cover story. I didn't want them to ever meet you four, however, I didn't have much of a say."

"I don't want to have to deal with them." Complaints came from Kaminari once more.

"As heroes, you need to be able to work with anyone, even if you don't want to or it isn't a great situation." Aizawa burned holes into the electricity-user.

"R-right. Heh, my bad."

"If there's no more questions for now, let's continue on with where we left off in our last lesson. You four, don't worry too much if you don't understand what we are talking about. I'm not going to grade you like I will these twenty. But please ask me questions and we will do our best to answer them, because I am assuming this world is not at all like yours."

"T-thank you." Noelle slouched in her seat slightly when Aizawa's gaze landed on hers.

"We'll, um, try to do so." Mimosa said.

Nodding, Aizawa turned to face the board. Internally, he heaved a heavy sigh, knowing that this day was going to be a long one.

Double update today. Still a ways away from catching up, but that's okay. Also, thank you for reading this!!! :)


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