!! chapter !!

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hoseok felt it. the spark, the rush through his body he feels everytime he is successful in his mission. He felt it numerous and many times and he was always felt satisfied with it but this time along with the satisfaction, there was twinge of sadness.

Hoseok felt selfish that he felt the sadness. His job was to play cupid and he should be happy that other people got happiness. When you are cupid, you don't have time for your own happiness. That was the main rule of the job.

Hoseok smacked his head. It was his fault for being so attached to his newly friends despite knowning the consequences.

He left a ping on his phone and saw that he had recieved another mission. A straight couple.

Hoseok sighed. It was really time to say goodbye. He quickly packed his things and was just about erase everyone's memories of him when suddenly the door flung open and hoseok was thrown aback with a hug.

The person pulled away from Hoseok and Hoseok was shocked to see Yoongi. He quickly tried to hide his bags but Yoongi's quick eyes caught it.

"Were you...trying to go somewhere?"

"Umm, no?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Hoseok inwardly sighed, yoongi was making it harder for him to leave.

"Stop lying. Tell me. What's the deal?"

Hoseok realised that Yoongi wouldn't give up until he got the truth. Anyways he would end uo wiping his memory so why bother wasting time lying?

"Remember when I said I was a soulmate matcher, I wasn't lying. I was sent here to set both you up and I am done with my work. You both will live a very happy life and that makes me happy. I am done with my job so I will leave."

"Are you really happy?"

Hoseok was taken aback. That wasn't really the response he was expecting. He was expecting Yoongi to tell him how he didn't buy the soulmate thing or yoongi would laugh or something. Taken aback by the sudden question, Hoseok wasn't able to lie.

"No. I mean, I am happy that you and Jimin got together but aish, i got too attached i guess.""then don't leave?"
"I have to do. I already recieved another mission."

"Can't you leave the job?"

Hoseok's eyes widened. He never ever thought about that possibility. It was possible to leave, he knew that but that meant he would lose his powers...

"What will I even get by leaving?"

"Friends, love and most importantly self happiness. Honestly, this whole soulmate businnes sounds like utter bullshit but the way you put it, it looks like you don't do anything for yourself. Doing things for yourself doesn't mean you're selfish. "

"But, I won't have any work to do. I can't just live like that."

"Well, I am not supposed to tell you this but Jin was actually planning to open his own entertainment company and have me, namjoon and jin debut together. I'm pretty Jin wouldn't mind but I could ask him if you can join us."

Hoseok looked at Yoongi. Yoongi placed everything in front of him. Hoseok felt like if chose this new path of life, he would finally be able to live for himself. Not for any couple but just for himself.

Hoseok smiled. "From today onwards, I live for myself."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guys, this is the end of the book. I will add an epilogue but that's about it. I hope you enjoyed reading this book and thank you for sticking with for so long. I'm sorry for taking so long for finishing the book.I love you all, keep reading, commenting and votingLove, <33

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