:) chapter :)

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Hoseok believed this was the last and only way to get them together. If his mission was successful he would personally thank jin and namjoon because they were indirectly helping him.

Hoseok had sort of cleared the problem yoongi had but he didn't know what he would do or could do to get jimin to want yoongi. After all, yoongi did break jimin's heart.

He packed his things and made his way to the airport where he was supposed to meet the couple.

When he entered the airport, he immediately recognized the power couple because, duh who couldn't recognize kim namjoon and kim seokjin.

Turns out, that he was the first one to be there. He awkwardly smiled at Namjoon and Jin and bowed. "Hello~"

"Hi, i am assuming you are hoseok." namjoon said, stretching his hand forward.

"Yes" hoseok responded, shaking Namjoon's hand.

"Damn, you are handsome." said Jin. Namjoon slightly glared at jin assuming hoseok didn't notice but hoseok was, after all, a supernatural creature so things like this didn't go under his notice.

He thought it was cute.

It wasn't only three of them for long, 10 minutes after hoseok's arrival, came jimin, jungkook and taehyung and boy, were they loud.

Hoseok could hear them before he saw them.

He smiled brightly once he saw them, greeting Jimin with a hug.

Hoseok pulled away and saw Yoongi, glaring daggers at him.

Hoseok didn't let it show but it made him happy. It made him happy to know that his plan was working and Yoongi was jealous.

Hoseok almost smiled. Almost.


This is a very very shitty update but i am not in a mood to write at all so, sorry :/ Anyways, if you guys have a weverse account, please vote for ni-ki because if he doesn't debut i don't know what i would do with my life.

Also, this book is coming to an ENDDDDD, yayayy

I have just published my new book called "parallel" please go check it out while you wait for the next update.

Keep reading, commenting and voting



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