He let a small smile of his own form and replied, "So what did Horseface do?"

"Fired the smoke signal and stayed out of my way." My smile slowly faded away, and Levi noticed. 

"I was on top of the wall when I saw what you did." I brought my eyes up to meet his. They were surprisingly filled with sympathy. "Horseface almost got you killed, you know that right?"

I slowly nodded my head. 

I didn't want to blame Jean, but if he had not been in the way, I wouldn't have had to sacrifice myself. I could have taken down that 6 metre as well. Not to mention, Jean was the one who went on the other side of the wall in the first place. 

"You're going to make a good captain." Levi said quietly. 

He always tried to whisper his compliments so that I would have less of a chance of hearing them. Unfortunately for him, I was always listening. 

"Thank you." I replied, not having the strength to give a sassy remark.

I sat pondering for another moment.

"So if you killed the titan before it killed me, why was I unconscious?" I asked.

Pain flickered across Levi's face for a brief moment before he shrugged, "The nurse thinks that you must have fainted from shock or fear. Your heart also stopped beating for a few minutes, but I did heart compressions to bring you back."

I shifted uncomfortably in my bed. So I had technically died.

Levi sat up straighter and stretched his arms out to either side of his body. He then looked at me again.

"The nurse said you can leave as soon as you want." He said, clearly sensing my uncomfortableness. 

I nodded and started to remove my blanket. "Great, I'll leave now."

"Wait." Levi put a hand against my leg, stopping me from getting up. "Can you even walk?"

I honestly didn't know that for myself. 

"I guess we will find out." I slowly swung my legs off of the side of the bed. "Or you can just carry me again."

Levi chuckled quietly, then froze. 

He screwed up his face in confusion and said "I didn't say that I was the one who carried you here."

"You're right, you didn't." I replied, slightly embarrassed."But I just know you were the one who carried me."

The expression on Levi's face was one that I had never seen before. It was hard to identify. He was surprised and almost, flattered. 

He cleared his throat, distracting me from his reaction, and stood up. 

I tried to do the same, but my legs didn't support my weight. I fell back onto my bed, cursing at my body. 

Levi laughed while gazing down at me struggling, then graceful offered out his hand. 

"Such a gentlemen." I mocked, but I still took his hand. 

He simply gave a soft smile and wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me to my feet. I leaned so such of my weight onto him that I was afraid he might not be able to support me. 

But he did, and he barely even seemed fazed. 


We walked together back towards my room, not even uttering a word to each other along the way. 

The Captain's attitude since I woke up has been very strange. He lacked his normal pissed off tone. Maybe he just felt pity for me, or perhaps anger. It was extremely hard to read this man, so much so that I have given up trying. 

We rounded the final corner to my room. Levi continued to hold me steady as we approached my door. 

I saw my door was wide open and light was pouring out of it into the hallway.

"Oh god, who's in there?" I whispered.

Levi seemed just as confused as I was. 

We continued to walk until I was able to glance into my room. 

Sitting on my bed with one of my books in his hand, was Jean. 

I quickly detached myself from Levi and spun out of the doorway, banging into the wall beside it. My feet slipped out from under me, causing me to now sit on the floor.

Levi shot a concerned look down at me and reached to help me up.

I shook my head and whispered, "I don't want to see him. Not yet."

Captain Levi nodded, then straightened as he walked into my room. 

I sat in the hallway, listening to Levi walk towards Jean. 

"Do you normally sit in girl's bedrooms without permission at such a late hour?" Levi questioned, his usual attitude was back in place while talking to Jean.

I heard Jean drop my book on the ground, most likely out of shook from seeing the Captain. 

"Captain!" He exclaimed. "Is Y/N awake? Where is she?"

"Hush." Levi replied. "She's still asleep in med bay."

"Oh." I could hear the disappointment in Jean's voice. "Then what are you doing here?"

I tensed immediately. I didn't know how good of a liar Levi was, but he really didn't have any good excuse for being in my room this late at night either.

"I don't think you have the authority to be questioning me. I'm not the one who almost got her killed today." Levi snapped back. "The nurse asked me to get clean clothes for her."

Even I felt bad for Jean. He had to be feeling guilty after today, especially with the fact that I had sacrificed my own life for his. 

"Get out of here, and pick up her book." Levi ordered.

He walked back out of my room, glancing over his shoulder once to make sure that Jean wasn't looking, then reached down to pull me back up.

I didn't say anything as Levi led me through the dark corridors, away from Jean. 

And all the way back to his office. 

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