Part 13, I- ummm...

13 0 0

Edd's PoV

After a moment of waiting. "How about we ask eachother questions?"

"Ok, sounds good to me! You first."

"What is your sexuality?"

The question shocked me a bit "I'm pansexual." I replayed with a smile.

"Ok, your turn" he then smiled.

"Ok, Umm..." I didnt realy have a question for him. "Do you... like someone?" I hesitantly asked

"Yes" he looked away blushing

"Ooow, who?" I leaned forwords smiling

He shook his head "It's my turn remember?"


The rest of the night we talked and asked eachother questions. I had forgoten I wanted to know who. I only remembered when he and I called it a night.

Tord's PoV

When I woke up I didnt fully want my eyes open. I would open my eyes and after a little close them. I was in and out of sleep. When I decided to actually get up my crown and Tom's crown caught my eye.

'When did he give it back?' I tried sitting up but failed and saw an arm around my waist. It was Tom's arm.

I blushed madly. I quickly and quietly said "when did this happen?" My eyes wide open. I quickly grabed my phone and checked the time. 10:58 (am). 'Shit!'

I slowly and carefully lifted Tom's arm. Which caused a small groan came from Tom. Which ment he was waking up. I sat there frozen. I didnt know what to do.

Once he woke up he saw I was up and sat up. "Morning." He said half asleep.

"G-goodm-morning" I was still blushing madly. "When d-did you come a-and sleep on m-my bed." I could tell I was a hot mess.

Half asleep he responded with "After we got back Edd told me to check on you. You were asleep and I also wanted a nap." It looked like he was fighting sleep.

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why you slept in m-my bed." I calmed down a bit.

"Oh, thats for a fue reasons actually, Hehe." He said with a slight smile.

"Are you going to leave?" I looked down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well ya, I need to eat..." he tone was more 'duh' then tried. I just nodded in response.

I layed back down on my bed not realy wanting to get up yet anymore. He remained sitting. "Can I know the reasons?" I closed my eyes

There was silence for a moment... "I can tell you one... Your bed was closer than mine."

I nodded, "makes sence, I guess." I opened my eyes and turned my head twords the crowns. "Its your you know."

"Mm, when did you put it on me?"

"At the park before I walked around Matts side of the bench. Thats why the others were laughing." I picked up his crown.

"Should've figured..." I turned around to face him and placed the crown on his head again.

"Much better." I smiled causing him to blush a bit.

"Thanks..." he turned his head away. "C'mon." He said as he stood up.

He grabed my arm and pulled me out of my room. After a while he let go of my arm and hand instead. I blushed as he draged me to the kitchen.

Edd and Matt were eating at the table. They were talking when we came in. Edd looked up. "Awwww"

Matt looked at Edd and then us. He just laughed. I blushed hearder. Tom let go of my hand.

"What?" Tom said to Matt and Edd while raising a brow.

"Nothing!" Matt and Edd both said cheerfully.

Tom gestured at the seat. So I sat down not saying a word. He then proceeded to make food for himself as I ate the bacon left for me.

"So... You and Tom, huh?" Edd said with an eyebrow raised. I gave a confused look. "Oh c'mon! Dont try and hide it!" He shook his head lightly.

I looked at Tom who had his back facing us. "I seriously dont know what you mean." I turned my head back to Edd and Matt.

"Realy?" He said more like a statement than a question. I nodded.

"Hey Tom?" Edd looked over tw.ords Tom.

"Mm?" He didnt look at Edd. He kept his head pointed at the pan.

"Are you and Tord a thing?" Tom lifted his head and turned around. He was blushing a bit.

"I- umm... Are we?" He looked at me. I shrugged and looked down embarrassed.

Edd and Matt just laughed. Tom turned back around and continued with his breakfast.

Time skip
Evening (about 20:46 (8:46 pm))

We were all in the livingroom watching a movie. I was on the verge of sleep, due to lack of it. I slowly closed my eyes fighting sleep.

Person hop
Tom's PoV

I felt a head fall on my shoulder and looked to see the sorce. It was Tord. He had falled asleep. I put my arm around his shoulder and leaned my head on his.

Edd took notice of my movement and looked over. He pulled out his phone and aimed it our way. I smiled and heard the click of the camera.

We resumed watching the movie. When it ended Edd asked "Are you ganna take him to your room?" I nodded.

I shifted Tord onto my lap and stood up that way I could walk. It was like holding a child, or having someone wrap there legs around you waist. Just limp instead.

Word count: 919

After yesterday's incident I let my phone dry all night. It works like nothing happened.
I had a hard time writing this because I have no motivation for anything. No drawing, no wrighting, no reading, nothing.
I'll try and wright again soon.

Buh bye <3

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