Part 9, convenient store suprise

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Tord's PoV

I cut Tom off by flopping on top if him. "Oof-" the wind was knocked out of him from my landing on him. I giggled.

"Wait I have an idea." I sat up to where I wasn't on to of him.

I unwraped his hoodie from my waist and put it on. Then I layed back on him. He didn't move. (Tord doesn't know that Tom liked him. Tord is simply testing out a fue theories. Which are about to pop up.)

I curled up like a cat because I am for one cold and two wanted to see how he'd react. While I was eating I got curious. I asked the smaller questions but had a fue more I didn't want to ask.

"Did he like me? What would he do if I acted more lovey dovey?' Those where the main questions floating around my head.

Person hop
Tom's PoV

Tord layed back down on me and I was confused as to what I do. 'Do I hold him? Do I just lay here and say nothing?!'

I slowly reached up and then he shifted. I quickly put my hands down. He now layed on my chest (mostly) like a cat.

He stoped moving and I moved my hand near his back up and it on his waist. He seemed to notice and look up. I didn't say a word I just smiled.

I closed my eye's as they were heavy. I could feel myself drifting off into sleep.

Person hop
Bact to Tord's PoV

I heard Tom's breathing slow and heartbeat settle so I looked up. He had fallen asleep. His hand's on my waist and I don't know what to do.

I can eather move and risk waking him up or I can stay here and sleep. Im comfortable and he seems comfortable so maybe I'll just stay here. My eyes slowly close and I fall alseep.

Person hop
Edd's PoV

I want to apologize to Tord but he's not in his room. 'Whatever I'll apologize tomorrow.' I was walking to my room but turned around. I decided to thank Matt for today.

Person hop
Matt's PoV (wow)

Im in my room admiring myself in one of my mirrors when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." My eyes still fixed on myself.

The door opens "Hey, thanks for today..." it was Edd so I looked up.

"Mhm" I was still just looking at him. He was still in his green hoodie and some shorts.

"Uhh" I blinked and realized I was starting.

"Oh, sorry." I looked back at my mirror.

"Ok well, I'll be in my room for now. Goodnight Matt."

"Goodnight." And the door closed.

I wasn't tired yet, so I thought I'd wait a while then go out to the kitchen and find a snack.

Small time skip

I had waited about 30 minutes later and then exited my room. I walk down the extremely quiet hallway (and stairs) and into the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets but found nothing I wanted to eat. I then checked the fridge but to no avail. I didn't want any of this stuff.

I took off a sheet of paper on the grocery list and wrote 'be back soon. Heading to convenient store.' I stuck it to the back of the front door and left.

The convenient store was down the street and across the road. When I got there I went straight to the sweeter stuff.

"Hello, Matt!" I looked to the left to see who the voice was from. It was from John

"Oh, its you! Hello again." I reasoned with a smile.

"Yes! Mark and Edwardo are also here so..." he looked down not wanting to finnish the sentence. I already knew what he was ganna say anyway.

"Its ok! I understand." I noticed Eddwardo and Mark.

"Oow that hurt!" I looked back down at John who had a confused look then realized what I was doing.

"Good! Dont get in my way again!" He spun around and saw Eddwardo and Mark. He fake stormed off.

"Well well well, look who we have here." Eddwardo said looking at me.

"Good job John." Mark said as John walked past them.

He stopped once he was behind them. John was a good kid he was just with the wrong people. Believe it or not we were actually friends. He mouthed to me "sorry"

"If it isn't one of our annoying neighbors!" He said with a chuckle.

I sighed and turned around and fake limped away. I had some candy and was ready to leave. I headed to the counter to see another familiar face but I couldn't remember his name

"Were they causing you trouble?" I shook my head. I leaned forward so only he could hear.

"I was just helping out a friend." I responded with a smile.

"Your so kind" now he smiled.

I payed and left. Heading back home with my sweets and a smile.

I enter the house to see Edd on the couch. He turned he head when I opened the door. "ARE YOU OK?!"

I was taken aback because he never realy reacted like this. "Ya im fine." I was confused

Word count: 876

Im doing Inktober but i am doing 4 different list in one. Ill be creating a new book just for my inktober drawings.
Buhbye <3

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