part 2, amusement park

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Tord's PoV

I woke up to the smell of bacon which ment Edd and Matt were awake. I turned my head to see... No letter. "Shit!"

This was a shock due to the fact I normally keeps the letter on my nightstand. I got up and searched my room but to no avail. It was missing.

I quickly threw on my hoodie and checked the restroom. I had to use it regardless. I was far too concerned with the fact his note was missing to care.

'Maybe Edd or Matt found it. should I realy ask them tho? What if they read the note?!'

I rushed to the kitchen hopeing the guys didn't read the note. Matt was the first to see Tord.

"Hi todd!" Mad said startling Edd.

"It's Tord. Goodmorning Edd" responded I noticing the light blue letter on the counter.

"What wrong?" Edd asked hearing the rush and fear in my voice.

"N-Nothing." I said clearly lieing though his teath.

I walked twords the counter where the letter was. Edd noticed. Edd reached out and grabed the letter before I could get to it. 'Damn it!!'

"Care to share what this is?" Edd asked sounding very curious. Matt seemed a bit confued as to what we were talking about.

"Uhh... It's nothing." I said as reaching out to grab the letter.

"Uhh it's nothing" said Edd mockingly.

He moved his hand up and out of ny reach. I growled at Edd because of the I am far to short to reach. I may have been shorter but he was definitely more in shape then Edd.

Matt chuckled at this seen play out infront of him. "No seriously tell me what it is" Edd said.

There was silence for a while.
"Can I just have it back. Please?" I  was scared that Edd had it.

"FINE! Here" Edd handed Tord the letter. "But you better tell me what it is later!"

"Ook finee." I said reluctantly as tom walked into the kitchen.

"What with all the noice?" Asked Tom

Edd looked at Tord then Tom. "..Nothing."

I could tell face had a slight red tint to it. I've liked Tom for about 4 months now but didn't have enough curage to tell him. My eyes were glues on him.

"What's that" tom said as he cleary gested twords the letter.

"N-Non of your concern!" I said looking away from Tom.

"But it clearly has my name on it."

"I SAID IT WAS NOTHING!!" Silence fell over the room. "I'll... I'll be in my room if you need me..." I said as I left the room.

"He didnt even eat breakfast tho..." I heard Matt say.

In Tords room

"Ohhhhh what am I going to doooo. Edd wants to know what this is and Tom has seen it." I was pacing around my room at this point.

"Should I just change the envelope?" There was a knock at my door. "Ahh! who is it?" I says as I walks tword the door.

It Started With A Letter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now