Part 8, Questions

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Tom's PoV

I closed the door and while Tord was not looking locked it. It made a quiet click. It didn't catch his attention he was just looking around my room.

I walked over to my closet and got my hoodie out. (No he was not wearing it before.) I handed it to Tord and sat on my bed.

He put it on but it was huge on him. "To big?" I mean he looked cute in it but if its to big its to big.

"N-no its fine." He smiled "I'm... comfortable in your hoodie" he was still smiling and blushing.

I held open my arm's open. "In my lap or on the bed. Next to me."

He thought about it then walked to the bed. "I pick the bed."

"Awww don't wanna sit my lap?" I chuckled.

"Hmm" Not even an actual answer just a hum.

"So... who exactly where you'll fighting about?"

"Uhh..." he looked away

"I already know it's me. I just want to hear you say it." I looked at him and he looked back.

"How... How can you tell?"

"I know Edd likes me. Plus you'll were yelling and I overheard a fue things. Also you just confirmed it." I chucked

He looked terrified. "I'm sorry! Sorry. I'm sorry. So sorry." He was crying at this point.

"What! Why are you apologizing like you did something wrong?" I pulled him into a hug. "Look... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to freak you out or anything."

After those word's left my mouth all that was heard was the sniffles and hiccups that came from Tord. I was hugging him. After a little while he hugged back.

Person hop
Tord's PoV

I pulled away and looked up at him. No words were shared between us. It seemed he was trying to avoid eye contact.

"Whats wrong?" The tear's stoped and I was a bit calmer.

"I-it's nothing" He said with a fake smile. At least this time he was looking at me.

"Ok..." I looked down.

I looked back up so he wouldn't question. I wasn't about to say.

"Well, I am hungry and want an actual shirt on so..." I stood up. "Guess I should go..."

"Oh... ok."

"Do you want your hoodie back?" I held the bottom just in case he said yes.

"Na, you can keep it for now." He said with a real smile.

"Ok" I said lifting my hands from the bottom of the sweater and into the pocket.

I turned around and headed to the door. It was locked... Yes I could unlock it but it puzzled me. 'Whatever' I unlocked the door and head a click. I opened the door and headed to my room.

I walk into my already open door and close it behind me. I then look around my room to find it a bit messier then I had left it.

"Tsk, I just cleaned in here to." I walk over to the closet deciding to clean again later.

I look thought my clothing and pick out a white and red shirt. I take off Tom's hoodie and set it down on my dresser. I then put on my shirt.

I grabed Tom's hoodie and left the room. Heading to the kitchen I saw Edd and Matt on the couch. Matt was comforting Edd and Edd was crying.

Matt noticed me. Giving me a look and the moved his hand in a "keep moving" manor. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

When I was done with my snack I went twords the rooms and stopped infront of Tom's door. I knocked...

Person hop
Tom's PoV

After Tord left my room. I felt lonely and tired. I layed on my bed getting lost in thought.

'Should I tell him? How would he react? Sould I act nicer twords him? Should I get him a present to tell him? Should I write a note like him? Should I-'

My train of thought was intrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." I didn't move I just turned my head.

And speek of the devil... It was Tord. My hoodie was around his waist. "Need something?"

"Nothing in particular." He responded as he walked over to me. "Ive just got a fue questions."

"Hmm?" I looked back at the ceiling.

"Why didn't your freak out earlyer? Why did you let ME keep your hoodie? Do... Do you hate me?" There was silence for a moment or to.

"It was obvious you liked me. So it was pointless to freak out." I tryed thinking of something else to say for the second question.

"I let you keep my hoodie because you had looked a bit uncomfortable." I said "plus it looks good one you" which I mumbled.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Nothing! For the third question... No, truth be told I haven't hated you in a long time." A slight blush creeped onto my face.

"Oh?" He said with a smug face. His blush was not crazy heavy but it was noticeable.

"Need anything else?" I looked at him but didn't turn my head.

"Just one more thing..." he took a step forwards.

"What might tha-"

Word count: 871

This is (I think) my first cliffhanger. I lost motivation aroud 200 words and stoped at that point. I came back and wrote to about 487 words then stoped again. But I completed the chapter. Big things are comming up in the story. Ill try and wright again soon but no promises.

IRL time is 22:42 and I'm going to sleep. Goodnight love you'll

I realy need to work on my other story ;^;

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