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omg i got a hundred reads!!! i'm way beyond happy rn~ anyway, im gonna go back to my exams, lol. thank you for the reads and support!!! here's a gift❤️❤️



saturday, almost 3 pm.

"i'm here," yohan weakly said as he lazily dragged his suitcase to the living room. he was greeted with an energetic-looking hangyul that hugged him tightly, but yohan pushed him away.

"get away from me, i haven't washed yet."

hangyul rolled his eyes, "i don't care if it's you."

yohan smirked, "of course. no one can resist me."

hangyul shook his head, "never mind."

yohan chuckled and excused himself to go to his bedroom after meeting mr. yoo by the stairs. "bed," he let himself fall on his comfy bed, "did you miss me?" knowing that the bed won't answer, he hugged his pillows with a big smile on his face.

after some time, he decided to get up and take a quick shower and wear some comfortable clothes, then he rummaged through his suitcase and got ahold of his souvenir for hangyul.

"here, i got this for you." he placed the paper bag on top of the table and saw hangyul's face lit up.

"wow, you actually think about me?"

"what? no. hyung gave it to me but i don't like it."

"you're a terrible liar."

yohan rolled his eyes as he pushed away the embarrassment that crept up his cheeks, "whatever."



knock. knock.

before i can answer, the door bursted open and yoonjin just came up to my bed. "ah, here you are again..." i rolled my eyes and put the book on the bedside table before i looked at her, although i couldn't see her face since her head was bent low.

"jin-ah, why are you–" she looked at me with red, wet eyes. she sniffed as i opened my arms for her to crawl in then i hugged her.

"w-wooseok... he cheated. i s-saw them k-kissing–" i hushed her as i pat her head while she continued crying.

my heart broke at her situation. although i haven't experienced those things that couples do, it still hurts me, especially because she is my best friend.

"you shouldn't cry because of him. he doesn't deserve your tears. he doesn't deserve you. you're too good for that scumbag." she nodded and tried to calm herself before wiping her eyes and nose with the sleeve her sweatshirt.

"why are you s-so good at giving relationship advices?"

i chuckled and hugged her tightly, "i watch and read dramas, remember?" she smiled.

suddenly, a bright idea popped in my head, "how about we go to jimin's shop? y'know, like the old days." she nodded and wiped her face with the handkerchief that i handed her.

we talked about everything else to get away from her broken heart as we walk to jimin's workplace. the bell rang as i pushed the door, seeing jimin smiling, his eyes almost disappearing.

why have a puppy when you can have jimin?

"hi guys!" he greeted warmly and waved at us as we walked near the counter. his smiling face was replaced with a slightly worried one.

"jinnie, did something bad happen?" he asked as he saw her face.

"great. i thought you wouldn't notice."

"we've been friends for years. i know you, though not enough, but i still know you." yoonjin sighed and leaned on the counter.

"relationship shit." jimin nodded.

"seowoo was it?" yoonjin snorted and hit the smiling jimin's arm.

"it's w–"

"yes, wooseok, i know. i just need to make you smile. do you know that frowning makes you look older?" yoonjin smiled.

"anyway, what would you guys like to have? the usual?"

"yes ple–"

i raised my hand, "actually, i'd like to try something new."

jimin raised one of his eyebrows, interested at my statement, "oh really? what would you like then?"

i hummed as i scanned through the flavours, "what's your best seller?"

"for now, we have mint chocolate."

"okay, i'll try that one."

"you want add-ons?"

"i'll just see for myself." jimin nodded and served us our orders a few seconds after i paid, then we all sat down on the table in front of the counter since we were the only customers at that moment.

"how are you now, by the way? i heard from jinnie about the incident at the university."

i sighed, "i'm fine. nothing big happened–"

"still, you could've had a concussion."

i shrugged, "i don't really care." yoonjin chuckled.

"did you know about wednesday?" jimin asked yoonjin and i started praying to the gods as jimin smirked at me.

"why? what happened?"

oh my lord, please save me.

"yohan and yuna–"

"oh my god, what did they do–"

"nothing happened. now that's settled, let's move on to another topi–"

"they went here and yohan bought lunch for them to eat." yoonjin looked at me as if betrayed.


i rolled my eyes, "we ain't dating, alright? it's far from there."

"they looked serious, especially yohan–"

i raised my hands in the air, "he apologized to me. that's all i have to say, thank you."

"apologized for what?"

i sighed, "he was being a bitch."

"what did you guys do after? i saw you walking together that day," jimin asked, and for that moment, i wished to be dead and for my soul to travel far from here.

"just walking, sitting down and talking."


i sighed and rolled my eyes, "park."

"ooh, romantic." yoonjin teased and i almost smacked her when the bell at the door rang. we all looked at that direction and saw one person.

kim yohan.


ok so things are gonna get a bit interesting from here so yeah :))))

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