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wednesday afternoon.

"you go out first, i think i left my book in the classroom," yuna excused herself from yoonjin and ran to the stairs until she reached the third floor.

"oh, thank goodness, it's there." she went in the classroom - which was somehow unlocked - and slid her book back in her bag, failing to notice a figure standing on the back.

she decided to use the fire exit since it's nearest to the door when she goes out. she ran and ran until she tripped over her own shoelaces and flew towards the ground. unfortunately, she was out like the lights.

"where is that woman," yoonjin tapped her foot while waiting, but she couldn't wait anymore. she wouldn't want to miss her favourite tv show. she ran back inside and used the main stairs and went to where she thinks yuna should be in.

"ya, what's taking you so long– yuna?"

she wasn't there.

yoonjin suddenly felt bad, like something's wrong. she briskly walked around and checked every classroom through the glass on the door, but there was no sign of yuna. she decided to check the fire exit and as she descended, she found her best friend on the ground unmoving. yoonjin made a mental note that they're on floor two before she rushed beside yuna, "oh my god, yuna! why would something bad happen to you every day?"

she checked on yuna's breathing and heavily sighed in relief when she felt air on her hand. she tried to turn yuna on her back and saw a little blood on her forehead. she shook her head and decided to call someone from yuna's phone.

"hey yuna—"

"this is yoonjin. hangyul, please come over to the university. yuna's in a bad condition."

"wh– alright."

"let yohan know about this but don't let him come over."

"i'll try."

then they hung up. minutes felt like hours but there was no sign of hangyul until yoonjin realised that she didn't tell hangyul where they were. she texted him on yuna's phone.

'floor 2, fire exit.'

more minutes have passed and the door to the fire exit bursted open with hangyul panting.

"what took you so long?" yoonjin asked.

"it's my first time here so i don't know where's what. plus, you didn't tell me your location right away."

"my bad. anyway, help me carry her until the apartment–"

"i brought my car, i can give you guys a ride."

"thanks gyul, i owe you one."

"you do." hangyul carried yuna with her neck on the crook of his right arm while the back of her knees were on his left arm. they went down the stairs and yoonjin opened the door for them and went out of the university. hangyul spotted his vehicle and gave yoonjin the keys for her to unlock it. once unlocked, hangyul placed yuna on the backseat with yoonjin then drove to the apartment.

yoonjin was about to put in the key to the keyhole when the door opened, making them step back in surprise. yohan was there with a furious and worried look. "what are you guys doing outside? come in!"

they followed yohan's command and brought yuna to her bedroom while hangyul treated her forehead with yohan's first aid kit. "alright, she bumped her head pretty hard so she's unconscious. she'll be up in a few minutes though."

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