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hawaii, 9 am.

yuna shifted in her sleep and turned to the other side, hugging the pillow close to her. it was soft– wait no, it was firm. maybe it was a hard pillow. she tossed her leg around it and felt the curve that it has.

is there a warm pillow in this cold room?

she snuggled into the warm pillow more and felt it move. her subconscious thought that maybe someone was snatching it away from her so she held it tight and then she felt warm air and more subtle movements like up and down.

her eyebrows furrowed, she was awake but was too lazy to open her eyes yet she was confused about the pillow. she opened her eyes and flew off the bed. literally. she fell off the bed with a thud and a small grunt.

"what the fuck, yohan," she groaned as she held her head as if to keep it steady. yohan, on the other hand, giggled.

he fucking giggled but of course, no one realised that since they were both newly awake.

"what a nice morning."

"tsk. my morning is ruined because of you. what happened to the pillow between us?"

"hey, for your information, you made it your body pillow and you somehow threw it away while you slept."

"why would i end up hugging you..." yuna's eye twitched as she cringed on herself.

"why would you mind about it that much? are you affected?" yohan teased.

yuna's eyes widened and she felt her ears heating up, "NO– i mean, no, i'm not."

yohan snickered, "we'll see about that. anyway, what do you want to do today? i'm cancelling the surfing today, i feel too lazy today."

she got up and laid back on her side of the bed, "yeah, me too. let's just stay in for the day and have room service. that's fine with me anyways."

yohan smiled, "okay! can i choose the food?"

"yeah, whatever."


11:23 am.

"i'm sorry, what?" yuna asked for clarification. she thought she heard him wrong or something.

yohan sighed and placed his utensils down, "look, yuna. i'm being serious and this is real. i like you. i'm not sure when it started but all i know is that my feelings grew since the japan incident. i know what i did there was wrong and utterly immature, and i'm sorry for that. i like you, okay? and it doesn't matter if you tell me your side now or later, but at least you know mine." he gave a small sincere smile that made yuna's heart melt.

she never saw this coming. after his confession, she realised she felt the same for him, too. the feelings were there but she was denying it so much. what was she thinking back then?

yuna reciprocated the smile and the feelings, but she was yet to confess. "alright, let's have a toast then, shall we?"

yohan was confused but interested as he took his wine glass, "i like you, too."

yuna clinked her wine glass onto his and immediately drank her wine, not waiting for yohan as he was processing the information in his brain. "wait, really?"

she nodded, "yup."

"really?" she nodded again.

"okay, what– this is the most unusual confession that i've ever had."

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