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1:21 am.

"hi, uh, have you seen a woman—"

"a young lady? yeah, she ran to the stairs earlier. she kept saying "rooftop" again and again."

"thank you," jimin sighed in relief.

it's been more than twenty minutes since yuna was gone and it was worrying both him and yoonjin. he chose to go to the elevator until he reached the rooftop. as the elevator opened, he immediately caught sight of her. she was kneeling on the ground.

weird, jimin thought.


she didn't answer. instead, she continued her shallow breaths and that worried him more. he knelt down in front of her and saw her face. she was crying and her eyes look so dead, like she had no soul. jimin hugged her but she never hugged back. "yuna... speak up, please..."

she didn't. "you want to sit at that bench there?"

with no response, he supported her towards the nearest bench from the door. "yuna, you need to speak up... for me, please... can you do that for me?"

she sighed and pointed at where the ashes were laying and he looked at it, "what—"

"that's not a "what", that's a "who", and that's yohan."

jimin looked at her in disbelief, "look, jimin, i don't know if you're gonna believe this or not and i'm sorry that i haven't told you about it since the start. yohan was immortal. he was cursed..."

yuna told him everything she knew and as much as jimin wanted to believe, it was too much unusual information for a person to handle. "you don't believe me, do you?"

"no, i totally believe in you—it's just that there were lots of information at once. i'm sorry, yuna..."

"he said that, too. he said that he was very sorry. i don't know what to do anymore, chim."

about a minute of silence around each other's company, jimin had convinced her to go back to yoonjin's room in which yuna insisted that they should stay at the cafeteria. jimin complied and bought her some sandwich. as they were once again embraced by silence, a sharp sound of siren distracted them and they went out to the chairs where a stretcher was rolled in the patient—

"that's hangyul, oh my god—" jimin exclaimed and held yuna's hand as they ran to where the stretcher went but they were blocked by some personnel. "i'm sorry sir, ma'am, you're not allowed to go through—"

"we know him! he's our friend!"

"i'm sorry ma'am but you're still not allowed in the operating room."

the operating room? what the fuck? first yoonjin, second yohan, and now hangyul?

jimin furrowed his eyebrows but before he could speak, the man spoke up again. "you can just sit over there while you wait for the operation to be done."

they complied and went to the chairs. it didn't take too long before a man, presumably a doctor, came out of the room and asked if they were his guardians. "yes, sir, he's our friend."

the doctor took a deep breath, "well, your friend's just fine. we just stitched up a cut on the back of his head. although he's in comatose, i say that he won't take a week before waking up."

the news was shocking but they were glad to hear that he was fine, "uh, excuse me doc, can i ask what was the cause of the cut?"

"hm, it's more likely to be bashed by a not-so-blunt object. maybe a soft-edged thick wood?"

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