«six, 1»

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the next week, 5 pm.

"yohan clowned me with that note thingy, why did i even assume." i sat down beside yoonjin on the couch and huffed. she sipped her coffee before putting the cup down on the coffee table.

"girl, he's probably busy, maybe he has work or something-"

"but he could just use his teleportation powers and it here then go back to whatever he's doing."

she scooted closer and turned towards me, "what's the big deal about that hoodie anyway?"

i gave her a what-the-fuck face, "really? big deal- you know, a stranger is wearing my hoodie. that's the big deal. he could've thrown it away... that hoodie was special since it was bought with my first salary from the part-time work."

she gasped, "then you call him this instant! check your phone or... whatever..."

i sighed before turning on my phone and proceeding to my facebook account and was surprised to see a friend request. i looked at it and boom, the world stopped- just kidding, it didn't.

i just saw yohan's profile picture. i checked on when he requested and it was a week ago.

lmao, i had let him wait for a week but! i will stalk him first before i accept it, hehe.

"you do realize that you're talking out loud by yourself, right?" my eyes widened.

"shut up, jin. i talk to myself most of the time."

she laughed lightly, "let me see his account."

i stalked his account and, not gonna lie here, i was feeling different kinds of emotions.

"oh wow, look at that bitch, he owns a company. way more to go, soon-to-be billionaire," yoonjin winked at me, i pushed her slightly.

"but like, what do you think of kim yohan?" i asked her.

"physically, he's hot-"

"i swear, seo yoonjin, i will slap the living hell out of you. why do you always say guys are hot?"

she laughed, a lot. "i mean, we've seen half-naked by accident and girl, you must be blind if you say he wasn't hot- ay, your ears are so red right now."

i rolled my eyes, "fine, he was hot. okay, what else?"

"i should be the one asking you that since you're more attatched to that guy... in a way."

i hummed, "i don't know yet, other than his good looks and good body form."

"so it seems that you need to know more about him. accept his account and talk it him!" she excitedly adviced me.

"uh... okay?" and i clicked 'accept'.


monday, 02:53 am


is this yuna? the one i
met at the university?

this is yohan. i'm kim
yohan, by the way


please accept my
friend request


"oh wow, he was already in my message requests as well, i didn't know." i mumbled to myself.


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