Chapter 1: I'm Certified... I swear

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A/N: I do not own any art shown nor anything pertaining to RWBY, The owners are their respective artists and RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth (RIP Monty)

Well, without a further ado....


???: "Y-you....y....."

A man begins to speak, he is dressed in leather armor with metal shin boots and a steel-like breastplate. His armor and cloak are nearly unidentifiable with blood and acidic like substances covering much of him. He is bleeding profusely from dozens of stab and slash wounds. He is in no shape to make any sort of move towards Y/N, and yet he still tries in vain to get back to his feet. He is attempting to use his lance to get himself from his knees, to a standing position.

Y/N: *kicks the man backwards, forcing him on his back once more*

???: "Arrghh..*cough*..damn you..."

Y/N: "Ah-ah-ahhh~ You should really lay your head to rest..."

???: "Shut....the....hell up...." the man responds between gasps of breath, much to his discomfort.

Y/N responds: *chuckle* "Oh darling...please relax~ I believe you're in more of a shape for my own personal medicine and treatment rather than...well, this...."

Y/N mockingly gestures to the dozens of bodies littered around the smoldering field that once held a camp of mercenaries. The bodies are bloodied and covered in torn fragments of random pieces of armor and clothing as well as fumes of noxious gases and questionable spores

???: "Just...what the hell...*cough* do you even....w-want?"

Y/N: "My oh my what do I want?! AHAHAHA THEN LET ME TELL YOU WHAT...I want...? hmm....I kinda want some fish. Maybe I'll talk to that douchebag back at the bar and see if he has any cod or salmon

???: *cough* "Wh...why did..*cough* all this..."

Y/N: ....then again, I havent had some nice pasta for ages...maybe I should have clams instead? Nah, I don't think they have any at the old geezers place....

???: "HEY! I'M ASKING YOU SOM-" The man is interrupted by a forceful strike to the head by a.....walking stick?

Y/N: Hey! Don't interrupt a doctor when he's contemplating what to prescribe you!...and definitely not what he wants for supper" Y/N thinks to himself

???: Just...kill me already. *cough* I know about your fake medicine, you heartless mons-


The man groans weakly in pain as Y/N continues to bludgeon him with his trusty walking stick...I-I mean, Professional, definitely fearsome, symbol of a man of medicine, almighty cane.

Y/N halts his onslaught and adjusts the strap to his brimmed hat

Y/N: "I'll have you know, I have NEVER had a patient claim "FaKe MeDiCiNe" on my Yelp reviews. HMPH"

???: "Yelp? What the hell is ye-"

He is once again interrupted by a strike to the head, this time however, he falls unconscious...much to the displeasure of Y/N

Y/N: "hehe... I forgot you dont have phones in this realm" *scratches the side of his masks bird shaped beak* Which is rather seem to have Television...Oh well~!"

Y/N then reaches into one of his trusty utility pouches and extracts a syringe containing a bubbling green substance and makes his way towards the unconscious man.

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