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A/N = Authors Note
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Your Last Name
H/L = Hair Length
H/C = Hair Color
H/S = Hair Style
F/C = Favorite/Preferred Color
Italics = Thought
"Italics" = Whisper/Empathizing

A/N: Now, without a further adooooo....AHEM

So this is technically my first story; I'll be pretty cringy or even sloppy at times and I apologize in advance.

As for your character('s) appearance? I don't care to much. The only thing that matters really, is the outfit. Of course there are a near endless combinations of designs for your magical and somewhat insane Plague boi. With that being said, here's the outfit I found for your everyday activities:

 With that being said, here's the outfit I found for your everyday activities:

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Rather dapper, if I do say so myself *takes a bow*

Now onto your semblances....yes, you will have two.......

Semblance: Ethereal Alchemy

Bio of semblance: You'd be able to hold and summon any serum, gas, concoction, medication, etc. You have previously made. It requires no resources to use that you may have on you or stored away. The only requirement is that you must have made the concoction at some point in either life span, (Both in your purgatorial lifespan and your Remnant lifespan) and have no fear, you will have a rather large arsenal even at the start of entering Remnant, it will almost be like using...dare I say, witchcraft? (It works similarly to the Three-Dimensional Gallery From Witchbuster, just a tad more convenient)

Semblance: Doctors Kit
You are able to store and hold any items you come upon and summon them at will. This includes (but is not limited to): Incapacitated Grimm and Insects, Vegetation and other Wildlife, Weapons and Armor, Ammunition, and Vials, Furniture, etc. If you were to summon a sword, you can mentally command it to attack without ever even touching the weapon physically. This ability somewhat extends to the Grimm or Wildlife as well. Summoning Grimm or wildlife will enable you to communicate and command them much the same as you would with a familiar

A tad OP, I know. I'm trying to not make this charater a one man army, but rather a one man battalion if that makes any sense? Basically, not god tiers level of power, but enough to make Ozpin forget to blow on his coffee.


I have no idea if this should be a harem or a love triangle, or a basic 1 on 1 love deal. Although your charater is slighlty insane and somewhat emotionaly distant, he still has feelings. I was hoping for a few love interests to be honest, but nothing absurd as banging literally EVERY FEMALE CHARATER. Then again, I dont see to many male RWBY charater X Male reader I'll leave it to you guys to decide.

As for my opinion, if you want a gay pairing my options are

OC Beacon Student
(Feel free to vote)

As for the standard female options, my opinions are; but not limited to:

OC Beacon Student
(Feel free to vote)

With that being said, if you want this to be a harem, It'll be between only 4-8 girls/guys and:
[Vote Here]

If you want this to be a love triangle type of thing, it'll be between 2-3 girls/guys and:
[Vote Here]

If you want this to be a 1 on 1 thing:
[Vote Here]

With that out of the way...your PRIMARY weapons will be

A Cane that can be turned into a chained whip with a flick of the wrist and reverted by flicking your wrist again. It is long enough to reach your midsection and becomes quadruple the length when in whip form. It will have a dual Raven head for the top handle piece and a flat base for walking.

Dual pistols/Revolvers; You will also have dual "revolvers" that have a strangely doomguy vibe that are synced to your wrist guards

Dual pistols/Revolvers; You will also have dual "revolvers" that have a strangely doomguy vibe that are synced to your wrist guards

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Other than that......That's all for today I believe....I'll begin typing the first chapter once this is published

With that being said, the first chapter will just be a background story/intro of your charater and I will refrain from spoiling to much. It'll be just a normal day in the life of a Bounty Hunter with an obsession of Plague Doctors that is caught in a realm of Purgatory

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