"It'd be my pleasure." Harry smiled before leaving the gates of Heaven and flying down to earth.


"Louis!" Satan yelled.

"What?!" Louis yelled back walking toward his boss.

"Check this out, this mortal loser crashed his car and he's like... halfway dead! I need you to get his soul for me." She laughed.

 Satan wasn't necessarily evil, just fucking rude and blunt as hell for no reason. She never took any shit and always spoke her mind without a second thought. Hell was pretty much a free for all under her control. Satan's only rules were that you obey her without question, and you don't bother her with petty shit that you can fix yourself.

"Why do have to go? Can't you send... I don't know anyone else?" Louis rolled his eyes.

"You dare question me? Get your ass up to the mortal world and don't come back until you have his soul!" Satan boomed. Louis rolled his eyes and flew towards the human world.


"Mister Barnes, I'm afraid our visiting hours are over, and you'll have to leave." A nurse said sadly.

"O-oh. Alright. What time do hours start tomorrow? I'm going to come back. Maybe he'll wake up then." Steve replied with a forced, watery smile.

"9 am to 10 pm every day." She gave a pitied smile. Steve nodded his head and stood in response.

"I'll be back tomorrow Buck. I love you forever." Steve smiled at his husband and kissed his forehead before leaving the hospital and going home to his boys and explaining the situation as best as he could.


A dim light shown through the window of Bucky's window and in popped Harry. He was, of course, invisible to the human eye so he would have no worries if a nurse were to come in. Harry looked at the man lying in the bed and frowned.

"This poor man has never done anything wrong. He doesn't deserve this." Harry muttered to himself before getting ready to bless him. Before he could though, a low whooshing sound briefly filled the air, and the room had a light smoky smell to it. Harry didn't even need to turn around to know that a demon had just appeared.

"Oi, what are you doing here, Angel?" the demon asked.

"I could ask you the same, Demon." Harry replied back.

"I'm here to collect the soul of this mortal and bring him back to hell with me. Now why are you here?" The demon said as though it was obvious.

"I've come here to save this man. He doesn't deserve to die. It's not his time." Harry smiled slightly at the thought that he was doing something nice.

"Hell no. Face me Angel. Let me gaze upon the face of the one trying to ruin my mission." The demon said and stomped his foot. Harry sighed in annoyance and turned to face the specter of darkness and evil. He expected to see a big burly man with a gruff beard and rough looking features. What he was not expecting to see, was a petite man with a perfectly sculpted face and beautiful, fluffy hair and glowing blue eyes.

Louis on the other hand was expecting to see a skinny man with a clean-shaven face with a fake smile on display and dull, generic features. What he was not expecting to see was a muscular man with a slight stubble across his face, beautiful, long curly hair, a jawline that would hurt Satan herself, and glowing green eyes. 

"Wow." Louis said aloud on accident.

"Wow? What do you mean wow? What is your name Demon?" Harry said in annoyance. He just wanted to save this man then go back home, but of course this attractive, yet unnamed demon had to appear out of nowhere.

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