- the end -

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Dear you,

So, you guys probably noticed, that I haven't been on wattpad for aaaageeess. And that's because I'm so busy, it's crazy. I don't feel like owning this account has any function in my life. I don't know, I just feel like this is something I did for fun, and now it's over & I feel forced to continue on a sequel (even tho I literally haven't updated since last year.) So, basically, Ihave a youtube channel, and I'm gaining subscribers, and I don't want more people to know about this fanfiction I wrote for fun. So, I'm deleting this account next week. It's not like you guys care a lot (I guess) but if you like want to take screenshots or whatever you feel like doing, please do it because I don't care at all.

I really enjoyed writing, like seriously. I had so much fun. Miss Lovato, the sequel, Believe me.. I'm absolutely in love with all of you guys. Your comments made me so happy & I'm so grateful that this account is a part of a cute memory. Thanks for reading, thanks for the support, thanks for the likes & thanks for everyone who's been reading my fanfictions since the beginning 'till the end. Thanks for all the inspiration you guys gave me. I love all of you.

This is getting cheesy oh my god, but yeah. So, that's it I guess.

Thanks guys, 

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