Chapter 28

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All Frederick could see was a light so bright it absorbed the entire world. It warmed his face and body, but it wasn't as welcoming as it had once been. He didn't know whether he should stay here. He'd become so comfortable in the darkness that he searched for it now. And the brightness burned. Distracted. He tried to turn away but couldn't escape it. He turned once more.

Then opened his eyes.

It took a few blinks before he realized that sunlight warmed his face. Panic pulsed shortly after. Vampyres-sun-vampyres-

He hurried out of bed, dragging the blanket with him. Shit. He pushed the chair to the window and climbed on top of it, hurrying to stuff the blanket over the glass. But it wasn't enough-and it wouldn't hold. So he rushed to the door and shouted to no one in particular: "Get curtains in here at once."

Servants scurried throughout the hall, and Frederick shut the door and turned to the bed. "Ara, I-"

But she wasn't there.

He leaned against the wall and stared at the bed, slack-jawed as the memories of the night before returned to him. He'd lost count of how many times they'd had sex or how many times either of them had climaxed. Even when they fell asleep, it never lasted long, awakened by the need to talk, touch, and explore each other.

Gods. She was incredible. The way she tasted, the sounds she made, the way she moved ...


He washed and dressed quickly then excused himself from the room to make way for the servants to install the curtains. A servant woman proceeded to strip the bed when he said, "Ensure you leave the sheets untouched."

"But, sire, they're damp?"

He stifled a shudder. "Leave them until I say otherwise."

He left and started down the hall, but he didn't know where to find her. Perhaps she'd vanished and headed back to Carnelia to attend to some important matters. He had no doubt she'd return.

But what if she doesn't?

Then he would get on a horse and ride back to Carnelia to find out why she left.

But after what they did last night, she would return. He knew it. For now, he would find his father. They had matters to discuss. He wasn't going to divorce the Widow Queen and Urnald needed to know. They would argue but Urnald would have to accept this. Arabella committed to him last night-committed to giving him anything he wanted or needed. They had a vampyre army at their beck and call, and that had to satisfy his father for the present.

Frederick stopped before his father's door and inhaled for patience before knocking. "It's me-are you in there?"

Several seconds passed with no response, and he turned the handle and entered the room. Urnald viewed him through narrowed eyes, a cigar smoking at his lips. A woman hurried to pull up her dress-a ball gown from the night before-tears in her eyes as she struggled. "Please-my reputation-"

"Get out," Urnald said.

Frederick bowed his head. "Lady Amsterdein, if you head to the end of the hall, one of the servants will ensure you're set to rights. I'd-uh-do it myself but I don't think it would be appropriate."

She covered her beet-red face with her gloved hands and hurried to the door, and Frederick held it open for her as she left. "I see you were in good company," he commented.

"Not as good as yours," Urnald said, smoke clouding from his mouth. "The servants have been gossiping all morning. This whole hallway heard you. I heard you. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire castle heard with the way the two of you carried on. Just look at the state of you."

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