Chapter 35

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It wasn't right.

None of it was right.

To betray a kingdom he'd become the king of only a dozen hours before. To gain so much trust and destroy it within a day. Her trust. Her gift to him though she knew better than to give it.

And he was still uncertain of what he must do. What was the right thing to do.

If he followed this path and obeyed his father's wishes, he would never be able to take it back.

He would lose her forever.

But what choice did he have?

This was what he'd been aiming for from the start. The plan wouldn't take the precious years of waste and time he'd once anticipated. It would be enacted tomorrow.

All he had to do was make up his mind. Which one was the right decision?

Frederick didn't breathe as he neared the bedroom door. He didn't know whether she would be there tonight. Perhaps he should have just stayed in Thescan and attempted to make his father see reason.

Your father is beyond reason.

But Frederick didn't know how to pretend. Surely she would take one look at him and see it all. The world seemed to rock as he positioned himself, breathing so heavy she could likely hear it before he turned the handle.

She sat on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands with blood ... blood streaming through the cracks in her fingers.


Arabella raised her head, the blood he'd thought was on her face non-existent. She looked bothered. Disturbed. Had she somehow learned of what had happened in his home kingdom? "Frederick. How was Thescan?"

He tried to steady his heart as he entered the room. "Fine. My father offered his congratulations."

"I apologize for sending Viscon to get you when you called. I just ... I had things to do."

Frederick seated himself next to her and viewed her face, but she did not look at him. "What did you do while I was gone?"

"This and that," she said, crossing her legs. She wore laces and leather, her black robe transparent and revealing. "You were gone for longer than I thought you would be. Was anything amiss?"

Yes. Thescan was corrupted. Urnald had seized it.

I want you to help me, but I don't know how to ask. I don't know how to protect the father I desperately need to protect. "No. We just discussed more about Beatrice's state. My father is ... distressed." Distressed being a gross understatement.

His father had gone mad.

And sitting with her now, Frederick still didn't know what to do. But he wanted to tell her. Badly. Wanted to seek her advice. But if he outed his father's plans, then he risked Urnald's safety.

And it was to Urnald he owed his loyalty—wasn't it?

"Understandable," she murmured.

Frederick took her hand and squeezed. "You seem distracted."

She shrugged. "I am, I suppose."

"I'm hoping your attire means you'll be spending the night with me?" He hoped she would. He needed to lose himself in her and desperately. Selfishly.

She closed her eyes. "Tonight and many more, Frederick. Tonight and many more. Would you let me?"

He didn't know what to say. Couldn't even bring himself to lie.

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