Chapter 31

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Arabella did not awaken for the entirety of four days.

Viscon assured Frederick that she would be well-that it was normal after expelling so much power-and that if he supplied a steady amount of blood then she would wake up sooner rather than later. But the longer her eyes remained closed, the wider a pit of anxiety began to open.

What if she never wakes up.

Dumitri, Gheorge, and Vignolo met with Frederick once every day, the only part of his day that provided ample distraction. When they weren't at Carnelia they hunted for any information on the mystical force that helped Hendlemark attack Thescan.

Gheorge's main source of information came from Yessara-a source he returned to daily since the attack. "Her information does not come freely without a little prodding," Gheorge said with a wink, causing Vignolo and Dumitri to glare at him. Even Errand grumbled with annoyance whenever Gheorge carried on about his trysts with Yessara. And how he did carry on.

Frederick leaned against Arabella's throne as he waited for Gheorge to get to the important parts. The seat was one monstrous glittering rough-cut rock, a space hollowed and smoothed in its center for the queen to sit. Viscon told him that legend had it that a dragon had gifted it to Arabella as a peace offering on behalf of its species. There might have been some truth to it, for it emanated a warmth that Frederick couldn't determine was real or imagined. "Just be careful with her. She's Tessande's sister, so we don't know how much we can trust her."

Dumitri nodded. "Agreed. It isn't necessary to cavort with her. Just find out what we need to know and end it, man."

Gheorge pouted. "But Arabella said I could."

"Have you made your mind up about infiltrating Hendlemark yet?" Vignolo asked, his dark eyes viewing Frederick. The unspoken hatred between them hadn't eased in the last several days at all. But Vignolo seemed to respect Arabella to an absolute reverent degree, taking her orders-even to obey her husband-very seriously.

Frederick sighed and folded his arms. He sorely wished that Arabella was in the right mind to make the decision. She might be furious if she found out that he'd put her men at risk. But by the same logic, Hendlemark had put her at risk, and they needed more than what they'd already gathered by the time she awakened. "If you can get information without being caught, then do it but be careful."

"We'll return within a week," Vignolo finished, and both he and Dumitri vanished, leaving Frederick and Gheorge alone.

"I hope I've just made the right decision."

"Don't worry too much about them," Gheorge said. "They're tough bastards. They'll be all right."

Frederick clasped his hands behind his back and began to pace, Gheorge following at his side. "So, off to call on Yessara today?"

Gheorge shook his head. "No. I think we're done for a while yet."

Frederick raised a brow. "Did it end badly?"

"No, it just ended. She is pining after a mate she lost long ago, and I am pining for a mate who may never come. But she did hint that mine is coming. I do hope so. I would love to have a mate of my own, but I have all but lost hope."

Frederick considered his words. "So these mates are important to vampyres?"

"Extremely," he confirmed. "Finding our gods-given mate is the most important moment of our immortal lives."

"Well, if it's so significant, perhaps you aren't meant to find yours yet."

Gheorge paused. "What's that supposed to mean?"

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