Chapter 40

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It hurt to return to the Grand Hall so soon after what occurred only a night before, but Frederick had been summoned. They'd all been summoned.

Thescan courtiers filled the space, the Hendlemark soldiers and their pepper-colored armor splattered throughout the crowd. A somber air hovered over everything despite the polite conversations and forced laughter, as if they were now aware of just how serious it had become.

Saebane himself sat upon the gold-and-velvet throne in his black sorcerer leather and spikes, laughing with a group of vampyres. Urnald and Rycard spoke a short distance away from them, and Frederick met Urnald's eyes briefly before looking away.

A stiff-backed Arabella knelt at Saebane's feet and watched the crowd, held in place by a chain attached to that collar. Though she was naked, she'd managed to make it somehow modest. Her dark unkempt hair spilled over her shoulders and covered her breasts, the scraps of white sheet covering the lower part of her body. She seemed so still she almost resembled marble.

Frederick nudged through the crowd, courtiers scurrying out of his path when they realized it was him. He needed to get close to her. Needed to see if there were any new marks on her body or if she'd been tortured in some other way. Saebane noticed him and regarded him with an amused glance.

"Why do I keep her around after all that she's done to me?" Saebane swirled his wine, a thoughtful expression stealing his pale face. "Well, she has a cunt that could fell a god."

The men snickered, but Arabella showed no reaction.

This seemed to displease Saebane, and he gave her a glare of annoyance. "And what is the bitch herself thinking about?"

Arabella raised a pale shoulder. "You know it's true. I certainly know it's true, so you'll get no indignance from me. If you want everyone else to know that you're going mad from wanting me, then let them know. Pathetic disgusting bastard."

All chatter stopped.

Saebane rose from the throne, dangerous intent flickering within his eyes. Within moments, her hair was wrapped around his knuckles, and he yanked her from her platform and dragged her down the shallow steps. But she evinced no reaction. Showed no pain. She merely waited as he pulled her along, trailing after him like a rag. The crowd drew away from them as they entered the floor.

"Such insolence," he spat, "when you can afford none."

"Don't be stupid," she droned, cringing as the chain clanged around her throat and stopped them from advancing. "Being insolent costs me nothing."

"Then prepare to be corrected. I think it's time for tonight's entertainment, don't you?" He snapped his fingers, and cries sounded from all around Frederick.

A group of people appeared, bound, gagged, and forced to their knees below the thrones.

The King's Council.

"These are the traitors of Thescan," Saebane announced. "The orchestrators of the Gentle King's mad reign. The conspirators against the House of the Moon." He gave Frederick a mocking salute. "To show the King of Thescan that I hold no ill will against him for yesterday, these men will be punished tonight in his honor. But this won't be fun without the proper guests." And with another wave of his hand, he conjured a group of people.

They were children of every age, their mothers at their sides. Frederick stilled.

These were the families of the King's Council.

All of them were bound by rope, but unlike the council members, none of them were gagged. They were free to weep with fear, the cries of the smallest children smashing Frederick's soul into a thousand pieces.

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