Chapter 50

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Another summons to the Great Hall made Frederick's stomach gut twist.

Urnald met him halfway there, saying nothing as they continued side by side. He would have heard the rumors of the next act Saebane had subjected him to and know they weren't rumors at all. And still, he stayed by Frederick's side even when he couldn't stand to look him in the eye. Even when Frederick had said he no longer wanted to do anything with him, Urnald continued to stay.

"What is this about now?" Frederick couldn't stop himself from asking.

"I don't damn well know," he replied. "I haven't been summoned by him since I last saw you. I'd hoped you would know something."

"I don't."

Urnald tugged his collar. "Have there been any disagreements between you three? Any altercations."

"None." But what Frederick couldn't bring himself to say was that he'd showed Saebane too much. The results of whatever test the sorcerer was putting him and Arabella through would make themselves known, and Frederick suspected he was about to come face-to-face with the consequences.

"Are you hurt?" Urnald asked quietly.

To that, Frederick had nothing to say.

The guards parted the doors to the Great Hall for them, and they both marched down the carpet toward the thrones where Saebane and Arabella sat. Members of the Spiderweb watched on from their corners of the room, but there were no other courtiers or soldiers in attendance.

Frederick didn't lower to bow, and to his surprise, neither did Urnald. Instead, Urnald's tone held a terseness it never held before when addressing Saebane. "And how may we be of assistance tonight?"

"Ah, there she is."

The guards dragged another person into the throne room, and Frederick's chest tightened. It was the serving woman who wept for Queen Vellore-her daughter in disguise. She was covered in filth, her garment torn, but she didn't show signs of any obvious wounds or beatings. But perhaps that was about to change.

She bore little resemblance to Vellore, so Frederick had hoped and prayed that she would remain undiscovered. How foolish he had been. He had so many things to worry about he hadn't even had the time to consider how he would get Vellore's daughter and her serving women out of the castle. Now the princess would be subjected to whatever evening entertainment was about to commence. Except there was no crowd to witness this.


Frederick dared a glance at Arabella, who showed nothing. They both knew she couldn't afford another outburst, so it would be up to Frederick to try and spare her this. "What is happening?"

"This?" Saebane said, waving. "Meet Princess Eviylene-or perhaps you met her already. Heir to the throne of Adora. Nearly escaped my notice in those dungeons. Alas, an oversight that has been rectified."

Yes. Saebane had found out everything. Somehow he found out who the princess really was.

Frederick's heart sped until he thought his heart would explode. "If she's Queen Vellore's heir, then I cannot allow you to subject her to the whims of the court. She is to be a guest here at Thescan."

"Quite right," Saebane agreed. "I am so glad you feel that way, for that's precisely what I had in mind."

Eviylene's bottom lip trembled. The woman was trying to be strong and losing.

"King Frederick," Saebane announced, rising from the throne, "It is my will for Thescan and Adora to be united as one. So allow me to introduce you to your future wife. "

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